This auspicious festival of wedding of shrI pArvatI paramEshvara is celebrated as the festival of colors - Holi.When the Sun is shining in the Pisces sign(mIna rAsi) that is in the month of paN^guni (mid of March to mid of April) on the uththara naxaththiram on the Moons growing face (shukla paxam), this vratam is observed. This is the day Shakthi married Lord Shiva after a great austerity in the Himaalayas, as the daughter of Himavaan. It is also observed as the auspicious day when Lord Muruga married devaseenaa. This vratam is explained in the skandha purANam.
Observing this vratam will get one the great boon of shri Lord shankara's delight. It would bring much joy and comfort in life, lead to the abode of Lord Shiva and give the liberation.
Observing this vratam will get one the great boon of shri Lord shankara's delight. It would bring much joy and comfort in life, lead to the abode of Lord Shiva and give the liberation.

MahA VishNu got wedded to Laxmi sincerely observing this vratam.
Brahma wedded Saraswati,
Indra wedded IndrANi,
Moon wedded the 27 stars,
sage Agastiya wedded Lobhamudra ...
The two daughters of vishhNu namely AmR^itavalli, Saundaryavalli were married to the six faced Lord as DevasEna and VaLLI.
The daughter of vedAN^ga R^ishhi called Sukesi got married to Nandi devar.
The two daughters of sage satyapUrNar pUrNa, pushhkaLai were wedded to mahA sAsthA. KAma got Rathi,
SIta got RAma,
JAmbhavati got KR^ishhNa,
and I got You my Love!!!
There are more stories. Holi, the festival of colour, is celebrated in all over India with great festivity and joy. On this day, people come out wearing pure white clothes and gether together in a common place where they play it with gay abandon.

Holi is supposed to be an exuberant show of goodwill and cheer. The riot of colours follows a revelry of colour play - quite unmatched in its boisterousness - and takes place amidst the sprinkling or the shower of coloured powder. And when this is combined with water it is anything but a damp squib. Everybody is welcome and everybody is pardoned for his or her revelry.
Play Virtual Holi http://www.colorsofindia.com/holi/interactive/holi.htm
and sing:
O hori khele raghuveeraa avadh mein hori khele raghuveeraa
Hori khele raghuveeraa avadh mein hori khele raghuveeraa
Holi hai!!!