Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Chinese story

Diego Rivera "Stone Mason"

The Stone Cutter

There was a stonecutter, who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life.

One day, he passed a wealthy merchant's house, and through the open gateway, saw many fine possesions and important visitors. "How powerful that merchant must be!" thought the stonecutter. He became envious, and wished that he could be like the merchant. Then he would no longer have to be a mere stonecutter.

To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and power than he had ever dreamed of, envied and detested by those less wealthy than himself. But soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants, and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy, has to bow low before the procession. "How powerful that official is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a high official!".

He became the official, carried everywhere in his sedan chair, feared and hated by all around him. It was a hot summer day, and he felt very uncorfotable in the sticky sedan chair. He look up at the sun. It shined proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. "How powerful the sun is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the sun!".

He became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, until a huge blak cloud moved between him and the earth, so that his light could no longer shine on everything below. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be that cloud!".

He became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. Pretty soon he found that he was being pushed around by some great force and realised that it was the wind. "How powerful the wind is!" he thought. "I wish I could be the wind!"

Then he became the wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, hated and feared by all below him. But soon he ran up against something that would not move, no matter how hard he tried. A huge towering stone. "How powerful that stone is!" he thought. "I wish I could be the stone!".

He became the stone, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into him, felt himself being changed. "What could be more powerful than I, the stone?" he thought. He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stonecutter.

Schools of Vedanta

By Swami Nikhilananda

According to Sadananda (author of Vedantasara), Vedanta includes the Upanishads, the Brahma-Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and the commentaries elucidating these texts.

The texts of Vedanta have, in the main, given birth to two sub-systems of philosophy, namely the Non-dualism or Absolutism of Sankaracharya and the Theism of Ramanuja, Madhvacharya and other philosophers. According to the Non-dualist, Brahman or Pure Consciousness, is the only Reality the universe of names and forms is unreal, and man, in his true essence, is one with Brahman.

The Theists accept a Personal God as Ultimate Reality. He is related to the universe and embodied souls in varying degrees. According to Ramanuja, the upholder of Visistadvaita, or Qualified Non-dualism, the Reality is Brahman; but the individual souls and the universe are also real, being parts of Brahman or modes of His manifestation. Brahman, with the universe and the individual souls, constitutes the whole of Reality. This is illustrated by the philosophers of this school with the metaphor of the pomegranate fruit. The seeds are the living souls and the rind is the universe. One cannot think of the fruit without the seeds and the rind.

According the Madhvacharya, the Dualist, the Universe and the living souls are separate from God. While the universe is a material entity, the souls are spiritual in nature. The souls, though separate from God, cannot exist without Him. Their existence is entirely dependent upon God. Madhvacharya speaks of living beings as the servants of God.

Sri Sankara, Sri Ramanuja and Sri Madhva are the most illustrious commentators on the Vedanta Sutras (Brahma-Sutras). These commentators have tried to establish theories of their own, such as Advaita-Vada (unqualified non-dualism or uncompromising or rigorous monism), Visishtadvaita-Vada (differentiated or qualified monism) and Dvaita-Vada (strict or rigorous dualism). Sankaracharya had in view, while preparing his commentary, chiefly the purpose of combating the baneful effects which blind ritualism had brought to bear upon Hinduism.

Dualism (Dvaita), Qualified Monism (Visishtadvaita) and Monism (Advaita) are the three main schools of metaphysical thought. They are all stages on the way to the Ultimate Truth, viz., Para-Brahman (the Supreme Reality). They are rungs on the ladder of Yoga. They are not at all contradictory. On the contrary, they are complimentary to one another. These stages are harmoniously arranged in a graded series of spiritual experiences. Dualism, Qualified Monism, Pure Monism – all these culminate eventually in the Advaita Vedantic realisation of the Absolute or the Transcendental Trigunatita Ananta Brahman.

Madhva said: "Man is the servant of God", and established his Dvaita philosophy.

Ramanuja said: "Man is a ray or spark of God", and established his Visishtadvaita philosophy.

Sankara said: "Man is identical with Brahman or the Eternal Soul"and established his Kevala Advaita philosophy.

The Dvaitin wants to serve the Lord as a servant. He wishes to play with the Lord. He wishes to taste the sugar-candy.

A Visishtadvaitin wants to become like Lord Narayana and enjoy the divine. He does not wish to merge himself or become identical with the Lord. He wishes to remain as a spark. A Jnani (jnana = knowledge) merges himself in Brahman. He wishes to become identical with Brahman. He wants to become the sugar-candy itself.

People have different temperaments and different capacities. So, different schools of philosophy are also necessary. The highest rung is Advaita philosophy. A Dualist or Qualified Monist eventually becomes a Kevala Advaitin.

Different Conceptions of Brahman - only different approaches to the Reality.

Nimbarkacharya reconciles all the different views regarding the Lord taken up by Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhva and others, and proves that their views are all true with reference to the particular aspect of Brahman dealt with by them, each in his own way. Sankara has taken Reality in Its transcendental aspect, while Ramanuja has taken It in Its immanent aspect, principally; but Nimbarka has adjusted the different views taken by the different commentators.

Sri Sankaracharya, Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Vallabhacharya and Sri Nimbarkacharya – all were great souls. We cannot say that Sri Sankara was greater than Sri Ramanuja, or Sri Vallabha was greater than Nimbarka, etc. All were Avatara Purushas. Each one incarnated himself on this earth to complete a definite mission, to preach and propagate certain doctrines which were necessary to help the growth of certain type of people, who flourished at a certain period, who were in a certain stage of evolution.

All schools of philosophy are necessary. Each philosophy is best suited to a certain type of people. The different conceptions of Brahman are but different approaches to the reality. It is extremely difficult, rather impossible, for the finite soul to get – all at once – a clear conception of the Illimitable or Infinite Soul, and more so, to express it in adequate terms. All cannot grasp the highest Kevala Advaita philosophy of Sri Sankara all at once. The mind has to be disciplined properly before it is rendered as a fit instrument to grasp the tenets of Sri Sankara’s Advaita Vedanta.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Everything is the Face of God.

It is related in Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rafai as-Shadhuli’s eloquent book, Music of the Soul, that at the time he was a disciple of Sidi ‘Abd ar-Rahman, may God be well pleased with them both, there was a troublesome old man in Damascus who everyday would throw stones at the zawiyya, the Sufi lodge. Each time the incident of stone throwing happened, his guide would say, “Send him mercy. If he wants food, give him food. If he wants clothes, give him clothes. If he wants money, give him money. Give him what he wants.”

When he, according to the advice of his guide, provided for the old man, he would gather his sons and would throw more stones at the zawiyya.

He asked himself, “What is the wisdom in this?” Then he would again go to this old man and gave him some food and some money and some clothes from his guide, but at the same time he felt something very strong about this person. His guide said to him, “There are many messages when this old man throws stones at the zawiyya.”

Then one day the old man became sick and the eminent guide sent his disciple to him. When he arrived at his house, the old man woke up and asked, “Who is there?” He mentioned his name and the old man began to weep and he started to say Astaghfirullah! (seeking forgiveness from Allah). And after some days, he came to live in the zawiyya. And he became a holy student under the guide.

When Sidi as-Shadhuli later wrote down this story, this man was already one hundred and five years old. Later when he met him in Amman, Jordan, the old man said, “Sidi, excuse me for throwing stones at the zawiyya. But if I had not hit the zawiyya, I would not have reached God. How could I have known the guide and the Way, if I had not thrown stones?” The guide saw the wisdom of his actions and knew that this old man was one of his students.

This story has a picture illustrating it. The picture is of the date tree. “Be like this tree,” advises Sidi. “When any person throws something to hit the date tree, it gives him back sweets. This is the right way.”

“If anyone makes something bad for you, or speaks in an unkind way, understand Who speaks and Who hits. Be sweet and give to everyone who wants sweets, because after the fire is the garden and after the darkness is light. It is necessary to see within everything, to see where it is coming from and to return it to God. Be polite! Everything is the Face of God.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

René Guénon

René Guénon (November 15, 1886 – January 7, 1951) was a French author and intellectual who remains an influential figure in the domain of metaphysics, having written on topics ranging from metaphysics, sacred science and traditional studies to symbolism and initiation. He gave his agreement to the creation in France of a Masonic lodge of traditional nature, whose name La Grande triade ("The Great Triad"). He died on January 7, 1951, in Cairo, Egypt, after having said his last words "El nafass khalass!" ("the soul is going away") and "Allah! Allah!"

Some fundamental terms and notions


It may now be stated that metaphysics [...] is essentially the knowledge of the Universal, or, if preferred, the knowledge of the principles belonging to the universal order, which moreover alone can validly lay claim to the name of principles; but in making this statement, we are not really trying to propose a definition of metaphysics, for such a thing is a sheer impossibility by reason of that very universality which we look upon as the foremost of its characteristics, the one from which all the over are derived. In reality, only something that is limited is capable of definition, wheras by definition metaphysics is on the contrary by its very nature absolutely unlimited, and this plainly does not allow our enclosing it in a more or less narrow formula [...]

Identity of the knowing and being

Metaphysics affirms the fundamental identity of knowing and being [...] and since this identity is essentially implied of the very nature of intellectual intuition, it not merely affirms it but realizes it as well.

Initiation and mysticism

Today the esoteric or initiatic domain and the mystical domain, - or, if one prefers, their respective points of view - are often confused [...]. it is currently the fashion so to speak among those with limited horizons to construe all Eastern doctrines as 'mystical', including those that lack even a semblance of the outward aspects that could justify such an attribution [...]. [...] in everything pertaining to initiation there is really nothing vague or nebulous, for on the contrary it is as precise and 'positive' as can be, so that initiation by its very nature is in fact incompatible with mysticism.

The Self

The 'Self' is the transcendant and permanent principle of which the manifested being, the human being, for example, is only a transient and contingent modification, a modification which, moreover, can in no way affect the principle [...] The 'Self', as such, is never individualized and cannot become so, for since it must always be considered under the aspect of the eternity and immutability which are the necessary attributes of pure Being, it is obviously not susceptible of any particularization, which would cause it to be 'other that itself'. Immutable in its own nature, it develops the indefinite possibilities which it contains within itself, by a relative passing from potency to act through an indefinite series of degrees. Its essential permanence is not thereby affected, precisely because this process is only relative, and because this development is, strictly speaking, not a development at all, except from the point of view of manifestation, outside of which there is no question of succession, but only of perfect simultaneity, so that even what is virtual under one aspect, is found nevertheless to be realized in the 'eternal present'.

Paramâtmâ, individuality, personality

[...] Previously, on the contrary [i.e. prior to the theosphists], even in the West, whenever any distinction has been made between these two terms ['individuality' or 'ego' and 'personality'] the personality has always been regarded as superior to individuality [...] The 'Self' [...] considered in relation to a being, is properly speaking the personnality; it is true that one might restrict the use of this latter word to the 'Self' as principle of the manifested states, just as the 'Divine Personality', Ishwara, is the Principle of universal Manifestation; but one can also extend it analogically to the 'Self' as principle of all states of the being, both manifested and unmanifested. The personality is an immediate determination, primordial and non-particularized, of the principle which in Sanskrit is called Atmâ or Paramâtmâ, and which, in default of a better term, we may call the 'Universal Spirit', on the clear understanding, however, that in this use of the word 'spirit', nothing is implied that might recall Western philosophical conceptions, and, in particular, that is not turned into a correlative of 'matter', as the modern mind is inclined to do, being subject in this respect, even though unconsciously, to the influence of Cartesian dualism.

Universal and individual

The 'Self', in relation to any being whatsoever, is in reality identical with Atmâ, since it is essentially beyond all distinction and all particularization; and that is why, in Sanskrit, the same word âtman, in cases other than the nominative, replaces the reflexive pronoun 'itself'. The 'Self is not therefore really distinct from Atmâ, except when one considers it [...] in relation to a certain definite state of being, such as the human state [...]. In this case, moreover, the 'Self' does not really become distinct from Atmâ in any way, since [...] it [...} cannot be affected by the point of view from which we regard it [...]. What should be noted is that to the extent that we make this distinction, we are departing from the direct consideration of the 'Self' in order to consider its reflection in human individuality [...]. The reflection in question determines what may be called the center of this individuality; but if isolated from its principle, that is, from the 'Self', it can only enjoy a purely illusory existence, for it is from that principle that it derives all its reality, and it effectually possesses this reality only through participation in the nature of the 'Self', that is, insofar as it is identified therewith by universalization.
The personality [...] belongs essentially to the order of principles in the strictest sense of the word, that is, to the universal order [...]. [The] following table [...] sets forth the essential distinctions in this connection [...]:

Samâdhi and ecstasy

[...] let us also point out the impropriety of translating samâdhi as "ecstasy", this latter being all the more irksome as it is normally used in Western languages to designate mystical states, that is to say something of an altogether different order, with which it must not be confused; its etymological signification moreover is "to go out of oneself" (which suits very well the case of mystical states), wheras what the term samâdhi designates is quite to the contrary a "return" of the being into its own Self.


Wahdat-ul-Wujood or Wahdat al-Wajud (Arabic: وحدة الوجود) the "Unity of Being" is a Sufi philosophy emphasizing that 'there is no true existence except the Ultimate Truth (God)'. Or in other phrasing that the only truth within the universe is God, and that all things exist within God only. All of his creations emerge from `adim (عدم non-existence) to wujood (existence) out of his thought only. Hence the existence of God is the only truth (Haqq), and the concept of a separate created universe is a fallacy (Batil).

Wahdat-ul-wujood is considered a formulation of Ibn Arabi (Muhyi ad-Din al-Shaykh al-Akbar) since he is considered the originator of this idea[citation needed], however this term is not used in any of his writings. Wahdat-ul-Wujood spread through the teachings of the Sufis like Shaikh Abu Ali Sindhi and Bayazid Bistami. Sachal Sarmast and Bulleh Shah two Sufi poets from Pakistan, were also ardent followers of Wahdat-ul-Wujood.

Ibn Arabi was of the opinion that being in reality is to be one with God. All other actual and possible beings in the universe are manifestations and states or modes of his Divine Names and Attributes.[citation needed]
Wahdat al-Wajood or Wahdat ul-Wujood is a concept based upon the idea that nothing exists other than Allah, and creation is merely the manifestation of Allah. This implies that the creation is Allah, and Allah does not exist outside the creation.

Hadhrat Imadadullah Mahajir Makki, the spiritual guide of the most prominent Deobandis, explains Wahdat al-Wajood in a booklet by the same name, with an example of a seed and a tree.
He states that the seed is Allah and the creation is the tree with its stem, roots, branches and leaves. Initially, only the seed was present, and the entire huge tree was hidden in the small seed. When the plant grew into a massive tree, the seed disappeared. The seed is now manifest in this huge tree and does not have an existence outside of it.

The Sufis consider the realization of Wahdat al-Wajood to be a matter of great wisdom. According to them, Tawheed (lit. making one) is a complete denial of existence for everything other than Allah, as explained by the Deobandis in ‘Irshaadul Mulook’ and ‘Ikhmaalush Shiyaam’,
“The root of Tawheed is the negation of the non-existent and transitory things and the confirmation of the everlasting thing.”[1]
“A concept which posits true existence for any being other than Allah is Shirk in Divine Attribute of Existence (Wajood).”[2]

The Sufis consider this type of Tawheed to be suitable only for the ‘Spiritually Elite’, and claim that only those who have reached the ‘stage’ due to excessive penance and Dhikr are able to comprehend Wahdat al-Wajood.

 Ibn Arabi, the Sufi scholar with whom which the concept of Wahdat-ul-Wujood is rightly attributed, asserted that since Allah's Attributes were manifested in His creation, to worship His creation is similar to worshipping Him: "So the person with complete understanding is he who sees every object of worship to be a manifestation of the truth contained therein, for which it is worshipped. Therefore they call it a god, along with its particular name, whether it is a rock, or a tree, or an animal, or a person, or a star, or an angel."9 This is how far the Sufis deviated because of their reliance on Greek and Eastern philosophy, rather than the Qur'an and Sunnah. To them God is not Allah Alone with whom no one else shares in His Dominion, but rather everything we see around us, and ultimately our own selves! Glory to Allah, who Stated "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer" [42: 11].

Looking at where Sufism derived its understanding from, we find the same ingrained beliefs: "When you live in the wisdom home, you'll no longer find a barrier between "I" and "you," "this" and "that," "inside" and "outside;" you'll have come, finally, to your true home, the state of non-duality."10 "Finally, the experience of realisation matures sufficiently that the [spiritual aspirant] may rightly utter the startling assertion,
'I am Shiva'. "When I am in that darkness I do not remember anything about anything human, or the God-man.. I see all and I see nothing. As what I have spoken of withdraws and stays with me, I see the God-man.. and he sometimes says to me: 'You are I and I am you'"

Wahdat al-Wajood and Moksha

If one analyzes the Hindu concept of the relationship between God and mankind, he would be startled at the similarity between the Pagan concept of Moksha and the Aqeedah of Wahdat al-Wajood of the Deobandis and Sufis. Following are some excerpts from the book, “The Religion of the Hindus.”[33]

“The Hindu scriptures teach that the ultimate end of human life is liberation (Moksha) from that finite human consciousness, which makes humans see everything as separate from one another and not as part of a whole. When a higher consciousness dawns upon us, we see the individual parts of the Universe as deriving their true significance from the central unity of spirit. This is the beginning of the experience, which the Hindu scriptures call, ‘the second birth’, or ‘the opening of the third eye’ or ‘the eye of wisdom’. The end of this experience is more or less permanent establishment of the inspiring consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of man.

Our political and social institutions, our arts and sciences, our creeds, and rituals are not ends in themselves, but only means to this goal of ‘liberation’. When this goal is reached, man is lifted above his mortal plane and becomes one with that ocean of pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss called ‘Brahman’ in Hindu scriptures.

The ultimate aim of man is liberation. Liberation is not only from the bondage of the flesh but also from the limitations of a finite being. In other words, ‘Moksha’ means becoming a perfect spirit like the Supreme Spirit.”

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sikh Kirtan

Shabad: Nirgun Raakh Liya Santan Ka Sadka
Source: Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Written by: Guru Arjan Dev Ji (Fifth Guru Of Sikhs, A.D. 1563 -1606)

I am unworthy, but He has saved me, for the sake of the Saints.
The True Guru has covered by faults; I am such a sinner.
God has covered for me; He is the Giver of the soul, life and peace.
My Lord and Master is Eternal and Unchanging,
Ever-present; He is the Perfect Creator, the Architect of Destiny.
Your Praise cannot be described; who can say where You are?
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to the one
Who blesses him with the Lord’s Name, even for an instant.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

108 beads

Meaning of 108 beads on a mala
by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

On a mala, or set of mantra counting beads, there are generally 108 beads, or some fraction of that number. The question often arises: Why are there 108 beads on a mala?

Below are some of the many reasons that have been given, as well as a few other points of interest. None of these reasons are being promoted here as more or less true than the others. However, you may notice that 108 appears to be somewhat like a road map of reality in general, and the human in particular.

Regardless of the meaning of 108, it is important that if a mala is used to count mantras, the mantra be remembered with sincerity, devotion, feeling, and full attention.

9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.

Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108

Harshad number: 108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and means "great joy")

Desires: There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.

Lies: There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.

Delusions: There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.

Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.

Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.

Upanishads: Some say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom of the ancient sages.

Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.

Pentagon: The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.

Marmas: Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.

Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

8 extra beads: In doing a practice of counting the number of repetitions of the mala, 100 are counted as completed. The remaining are said to cover errors or omissions. The 8 are also said to be an offering to God and Guru.

Chemistry: Interestingly, there are about 115 elements known on the periodic table of the elements. Most of those, around or higher than the number 100 only exist in the laboratory, and some for only thousandths of a second. The number that naturally exist on Earth is around 100.

Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.

River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.

Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108.

Goddess names: There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.

Gopis of Krishna: In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna.

1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

Silver and the moon: In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.

Numerical scale: The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals 9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 10, etc., where 0 is not a number.

Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

Breath: Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by 100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.

Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.

Smaller divisions: The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth, so that some malas have 54, 36, 27, or 9 beads.

Hinduism: 108 is said to refer to the number of Hindu deities. Some say that each of the deities has 108 names.

Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.

Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.

Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.

Buddhism: Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid.

Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each. Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars.

Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.

Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.

Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.

Praiseworthy souls: There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sri Shiva puja

.. shrii shiva puujA ..
bahu dhaanya nAma sa.nvatsare uttaraayaNe shishira R^itau maagha mAse
kR^iShNa pakShe trayodashii tithau uttaraaShaaDaa naxatre ravi vAsare
1 At the regular Altar

OM sarvebhyo gurubhyo namaH .
OM sarvebhyo devebhyo namaH .
OM sarvebhyo braahmaNebhyo namaH ..
praaraMbha kaaryaM nirvighnamastu . shubhaM shobhanamastu .
iShTa devataa kuladevataa suprasannaa varadaa bhavatu ..

anuGYaaM dehi ..
at the shiva Altar
2 AchamanaH
(Sip one spoon of water after each mantra)

OM keshavAya svAhA . OM nArAyaNAya svAhA .
OM mAdhavAya svAhA .

(Now we chant the 21 names of the Lord, in
order to concentrate on the Lord)

OM govi.ndAya namaH . OM viShNave namaH .
OM madhusuudanAya namaH . OM trivikramAya namaH .
OM vAmanAya namaH . OM shriidharAya namaH .
OM hR^iShiikeshAya namaH . OM padmanAbhAya namaH .
OM dAmodarAya namaH . OM sa~NkarShaNAya namaH .
OM vAsudevAya namaH . OM pradyumnAya namaH .
OM aniruddhAya namaH . OM puruShottamAya namaH .
OM adhoxajAya namaH . OM nArasi.nhAya namaH .
OM achyutAya namaH . OM janArdanAya namaH .
OM upe.ndrAya namaH . OM haraye namaH .
shrii kR^iShNAya namaH ..
3 prANAyAmaH

OM praNavasya parabrahma R^iShiH . paramAtmA devatA .
daivii gAyatrii chhandaH . prANAyAme viniyogaH ..

OM bhuuH . OM bhuvaH . OM svaH . OM mahaH .
OM janaH . OM tapaH . OM satyam.h .
OM tatsaviturvareNyaM bhargodevasya dhiimahii
dhiyo yo naH prachodayAt.h ..

(Repeat Achamana 2 - given above)
OM Apojyoti rasomR^itaM brahma bhuurbhuvassuvarom.h ..
(Apply water to eyes and understand that you are of
the nature of Brahman)
4 sa~NkalpaH

OM shriimAn.h mahAgaNAdhipataye namaH .

shrii gurubhyo namaH . shrii sarasvatyai namaH .
shrii vedAya namaH . shrii vedapuruShAya namaH .
iShTadevatAbhyo namaH .
(Prostrations to your favorite deity)
kuladevatAbhyo namaH .
(Prostrations to your family deity)
sthAnadevatAbhyo namaH .
(Prostrations to the deity of this house)
grAmadevatAbhyo namaH .
(Prostrations to the deity of this place)
vAstudevatAbhyo namaH .
(Prostrations to the deity of all the materials we have collected)
shachiipura.ndarAbhyAM namaH .
(Prostrations to the Indra and shachii)
umAmaheshvarAbhyAM namaH .
(Prostrations to Shiva and pArvati)
mAtApitR^ibhyAM namaH .
(Prostrations to our parents)
laxmiinArAyaNAbhyAM namaH .
(Prostrations to the Lords who protect us - LakShmi and NArAyaNa)
sarvebhyo devebhyo namo namaH .
(Prostrations to all the Gods)
sarvebhyo brAhmaNebhyo namo namaH .
(Prostrations to all Brahamanas - those who are in the religious path)
yetadkarmapradhAna devatAbhyo namo namaH .
(Prostrations to Lord Shiva, the main deity if this puja)

.. avighnamastu ..

sumukhashcha ekada.ntashcha kapilo gajakarNakaH .
laMbodarashcha vikaTo vighnanAsho gaNAdhipaH ..
dhuumraketurgaNAdhyaxo bAlachandro gajAnanaH .
dvAdashaitAni nAmAni yaH paThet.h shruNuyAdapi ..
vidyAraMbhe vivAhe cha praveshe nirgame tathA .
sa.ngrAme sa~NkaTeshchaiva vighnaH tasya na jAyate ..

(Whoever chants or hears these 12 names of Lord
Ganesha will not have any obstacles in all their

shuklAMbaradharaM devaM shashivarNaM chaturbhujam.h .
prasannavadanaM dhyAyet.h sarva vighnopashA.ntaye ..

sarvama~Ngala mA~Ngalye shive sarvArtha sAdhike .
sharaNye tryaMbake devii nArAyaNii namo.astute ..

(We completely surrender ourselves to that Goddess
who embodies auspiciousness, who is full of
auspiciousness and who brings auspicousness to us)

sarvadA sarva kAryeShu nAsti teShAM ama~Ngalam.h .
yeShAM hR^idistho bhagavAn.h ma~NgalAyatano hariH ..

( When Lord Hari, who brings auspiciousness is
situated in our hearts, then there will be no more
inauspiciousness in any of our undertakings)

tadeva lagnaM sudinaM tadeva tArAbalaM cha.ndrabalaM tadeva .
vidyA balaM daivabalaM tadeva laxmiipateH te.nghri.ayugaM smarAmi ..

(What is the best time to worship the Lord? When our
hearts are at the feet of Lord Narayana, then the
strength of the stars, the moon, the strength of
knowledge and all the Gods will combine and make it
the most auspicious time and day to worship the Lord)

lAbhasteShAM jayasteShAM kutasteShAM parAjayaH .
yeShAM indiivara shyAmo hR^idayastho janArdanaH ..

(When the Lord is situated in a person's heart, he
will always have profit in his work and victory in all
that he takes up and there is no question of defeat
for such a person)

vinAyakaM guruM bhAnuM brahmAviShNumaheshvarAn.h .
sarasvatiiM praNamyAdau sarva kAryArtha siddhaye ..

(To achieve success in our work and to find
fulfillment we should first offer our prayers
to Lord Vinayaka and then to our teacher, then
to the Sun God and to the holy trinity of Brahma,
ViShNu and Shiva)

shriimad.h bhagavato mahApuruShasya viShNorAGYAya pravartamAnasya
adya brahmaNo.advitiiya parArdhe viShNupade shrii shvetavarAha kalpe
vaivasvata manvantare bhArata varShe bharata kha.nDe jaMbuudviipe
daNDakAraNya deshe godAvaryA daxiNe tiire kR^iShNaveNyo uttare
tiire parashurAma xatre ( samyukta amerikA deshe St Lewis grAme
or Australia deshe Victoria grAme bahriinu deshe)
shAlivAhana shake vartamAne vyavahArike bahu dhaanya nAma sa.nvatsare
uttaraayaNe shishira R^itau maagha mAse kR^ishNa pakShe trayodasi tithau
uttaraashaaDa naxatre ravi vAsare sarva graheShu yathA rAshi sthAna
sthiteShu satsu yevaM guNavisheSheNa vishiShTAyAM shubhapuNyatithau mama
Atmana shrutismR^itipurANokta phalaprApyarthaM mama sakuTumbasya xema sthairya
AyurArogya chaturvidha puruShArttha sidhyarthaM a.ngiikR^ita shrii shivaraatri
vrataa.ngatvena saMpaadita saamagrayya shriigaNesha varuNa i.ndraadi
aShTalokapaala gaNapati chatuShTa devataa puujanapuurvakaM shrii shiva
priityarthaM yathaa shaktyaa yathaa militopachaara dravyaiH puruShasuukta
puraaNokta mantraishcha dhyaanaavaahanaadi ShoDashopachaare shrii shiva
puujanaM kariShye ..

idaM phalaM mayaadeva sthaapitaM puratastava .
tena me saphalaavaaptir bhavet janmani janmani ..
(keep fruits in front of the Lord)

5 shiva paJNchaaxarii nyaasa
(touching various parts of the body)

.. OM ..
asya shrii shiva paJNchaaxarii mantrasya vaamadeva R^iShiH .
anuShTup chhandaH . shrii sadaashivo devataa .
shrii sadaashiva priityarthe nyaase puujane cha viniyogaH ..

vaamadeva R^iShaye namaH . shirase svaahaa ..
(touch the head)
anuShTup chhandase namaH . mukhe svaahaa ..
(touch face)
shrii sadaashiva devataayai namaH . lalaaTe svaahaa ..
(touch the forehead)
OM naM tatpuruShaaya namaH . hR^idaye svaahaa ..
( touch the heart)
OM maM aghoraaya namaH . paadayo svaahaa ..
(touch feet)
OM shiM sadyojaataaya namaH . guhye svaahaa ..
(touch groin)
OM vaM vaamadevaaya namaH . muurdhni svaahaa ..
(touch top of the skull )
OM yaM iishaanaaya namaH . shrotre svaahaa ..
(touch ears)

OM OM hR^idayaaya namaH .
OM naM shirase svaahaa .
OM maM shikhaayai vauShaT .
OM shiM kavachaaya huM .
OM vaM netratrayaaya vauShaT .
OM yaM astraaya phaT .

6 digbandhana
( show mudras)

OM aghoraShTrena iti digbandhaH . disho badnaami ..

7 gaNapati puujaa

aadau nirvighnataasidhyarthaM mahaa gaNapatiM puujanaM kariShye .
OM gaNaanaaM tvaa shaunako gR^itsamado gaNapatirjagati
gaNapatyaavaahane viniyogaH ..
(pour water)

OM gaNaanaaM tvaa gaNapatiM aavaamahe .
kaviM kavinaamupama shravastamam .
jyeShTharaajaM brahmaNaaM brahmaNaspata .
aanaH shR^iNvannuutibhiH siidasaadanam ..

bhuuH gaNapatiM aavaahayaami .
bhuvaH gaNapatiM aavaahayaami .
svaH gaNapatiM aavaahayaami .
OM bhuurbhuvasvaH mahaagaNapataye namaH .
dhyaayaami . dhyaanaM samarpayaami .

OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . aavaahanaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . aasanaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . paadyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . arghyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . aachamaniiyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . snaanaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . vastraM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . yaGYopaviitaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . cha.ndanaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . parimala dravyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . puShpaaNi samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . dhuupaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . diipaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . naivedyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . taambuulaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . phalaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . daxiNaaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . aartikyaM samarpayaami .

OM bhuurbhuvasvaH mahaagaNapataye namaH .
mantrapuShpaM samarpayaami .
OM bhuurbhuvasvaH mahaagaNapataye namaH .
pradaxiNaa namaskaaraan samarpayaami .
OM bhuurbhuvasvaH mahaagaNapataye namaH .
chhatraM samarpayaami .

OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . chaamaraM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . giitaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . nR^ityaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . vaadyaM samarpayaami .
OM mahaagaNapataye namaH . sarva raajopachaaraan samarpayaami ..

.. atha praarthanaa ..
OM vakratuNDa mahaakaaya koTi suurya samaprabhaa .
nirvighnaM kuru me deva sarva kaaryeShu sarvadaa ..
OM bhuurbhuvasvaH mahaagaNapataye namaH . praarthanaaM samarpayaami .

anayaa puujayaa vighnahartaa mahaagaNapati priiyataam ..

8 diipa sthaapanaa

atha devasya vaama bhaage diipa sthaapanaM kariShye .
agninaagni samidhyate kavirgrahapatiryuvaa havyavaat juvaasyaH ..
(light the lamps)

9 bhuumi praarthanaa

mahidyau pR^ithviichana imaM yaGYaM mimikShataaM
piprataanno bhariimabhiH ..

10 dhaanya raashi

OM auShadhaaya sa.nvada.nte somena saharaaGYa .
yasmai kR^iNeti braahmaNasthaM raajan paarayaamasi ..
(Touch the grains/rice/wheat)

11 kalasha sthaapanaa

OM aa kalasheShu dhaavati pavitre parisi.nchyate
uktairyaGYeShu vardhate ..
(keep kalasha on top of rice pile)
OM imaM me ga~Nge yamune sarasvatii shutudristomaM sachataa paruShNya .
asiknya marudvR^idhe vitasthayaarjiikiiye shruNuhyaa suShomaya ..
(fill kalasha with water)
OM ga.ndhadvaaraaM dhuraadarshaaM nitya puShTaaM kariiShiNiim .
iishvariiM sarva bhuutaanaaM taami hopahvayeshriyam ..
(sprinkle in/apply ga.ndha to kalasha)
OM yaa phaliniiryaa aphalaa apuShpaayaashcha puShpaaNi .
bR^ihaspati prasotaasthaano ma~nchatvaM hasaH ..
(put beetle nut in kalasha)
OM sahiratnaani daashuShesuvaati savitaa bhagaH .
taMbhaagaM chitramiimahe ..
(put jewels / washed coin in kalasha)
OM hiraNyaruupaH hiraNya sandrigpaanna paatsyedu hiraNya varNaH .
hiraNyayaat.h pariyoner niShadyaa hiraNyadaa dadatyan namasmai ..
(put gold / dakShina in kalasha)
OM kaaNDaat kaaNDaat paroha.nti paruShaH paruShaH pari evaano duurve
pratanu sahasreNa shatena cha ..
(put duurva / karika )
OM ashvatthevo nishadanaM parNevo vasatishkR^ita .
go bhaaja itkilaa sathayatsa navatha puuruSham ..
(put five leaves in kalasha)
OM yaa phaliniiryaa aphalaa apuShpaayaashcha puShpaaNi .
bR^ihaspati prasotaasthaano ma~nchatvaM hasaH ..
(place coconut on kalasha)
OM yuvaasuvaasaH pariiviitaagaat sa ushreyaan bhavati jaayamaanaH .
taM dhiiraasaH kaavayaH unnaya.nti svaaddhyo svaaddhyo manasaa devaya.ntaH..
(tie cloth for kalasha)
OM puurNaadarvi paraapata supuurNaa punaraapaTha .
vasneva vikriiNaavaH iShamuurjaM shatakR^ito ..
(copper plate and aShTadala with ku.nkuM)

iti kalashaM pratiShThaapayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

12 kalasha puujana
(continue with second kalasha)

kalashasya mukhe viShNuH kaNThe rudraH samaashritaH .
muule tatra sthito brahma madhye maatR^igaNaaH smR^itaaH ..
kuxautu saagaraaH sarve sapta dviipaa vasu.ndharaaH .
R^igvedotha yajurvedaH saamavedohyatharvaNaH ..
a.ngaishcha sahitaaH sarve kalasha.ntu samaashritaaH .
atra gaayatrii saavitrii shaa.nti puShTikarii tathaa ..

aayaantu deva puujaarthaM abhiShekaartha siddhaye ..

OM sitaasite sarite yatra sa.ngadhe tatraaplutaa sodivamutpata.nti .
ye vaitanvaM visrajanti dhiiraaste janaaso amR^itattvaM bhajanti ..

.. kalashaH praarthanaaH ..

kalashaH kiirtimaayuShyaM praGYaaM medhaaM shriyaM balam .
yogyataaM paapahaaniM cha puNyaM vR^iddhiM cha saadhayet ..
sarva tiirthamayo yasmaat sarva devamayo yataH .
athaH haripriyosi tvaM puurNakuMbhaM namo.astute ..

kalashadevataabhyo namaH .
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

.. mudraa ..
(Show mudras as you chant )

nirviiShi karaNaarthe taarxa mudraa .
amR^iti karaNaarthe dhenu mudraa .
pavitrii karaNaarthe sha~Nkha mudraa .
sa.nraxaNaarthe chakra mudraa .
vipulamaayaa karaNaarthe meru mudraa .

13 sha~Nkha puujana
(pour water from kalasha to sha.nkha
add ga.ndha flower)

sha~NkhaM cha.ndraarka daivataM madhye varuNa devataam .
pR^iShThe prajaapatiM vi.ndyaad agre ga.ngaa sarasvatiim ..
tvaM puraa saagarotpanno viShNunaa vidhR^itaH kare .
namitaH sarva devaishcha paa~nchajanyaM namo.astute ..

paa~nchajanyaaya vidmahe . paavamaanaaya dhiimahi .
tanno sha~NkhaH prachodayaat ..

sha~Nkha devataabhyo namaH .
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami..

14 gha.nTaarchanaa
(Pour drops of water from sha.nkha on top of the bell
apply ga.ndha flower)

aagamaarthantu devaanaaM gamanaarthantu raakShasaam .
kuru gha.nTaaravaM tatra devataavaahana laa.nchhanam ..
GYaanatho.aGYaanatovaapi kaa.nsya gha.nTaan navaadayet .
raakShasaanaaM pishaachaanaaM taddeshe vasatirbhavet .
tasmaat sarva prayatnena gha.nTaanaadaM prakaarayet .

gha.nTaa devataabhyo namaH .
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

(Ring the gha.nTaa)

15 aatmashuddhi
( Sprinkle water from sha.nkha
on puja items and devotees)

apavitro pavitro vaa sarva avasthaa.ngatopi vaa .
yaH smaret puNDariikaaxaM saH baahyaabhya.ntaraH shuchiH ..

16 goshR^inga puujaa

vaayavye arghyam . naiR^itye paadyam .
iishaanye aachamaniiyam . aagneye madhuparkam .
puurve snaaniiyam . pashchime punaraachamanam .

17 pa~nchaamR^ita puujaa
( put tulasi leaves or axataas in vessels )

xiire somaaya namaH . (keep milk in the centre)
dadhini vaayave namaH . (curd facing east )
ghR^ite ravaye namaH . (Ghee to the south)
madhuni savitre namaH . ( Honey to west )
sharkaraayaaM vishvebhyo devebhyo namaH . ( Sugar to north)

18 dvaarapaalaka puujaa

puurvadvaare dvaarashriyai namaH .
asi.ntaa.nga bhairavaaya namaH . ruru bhairavaaya namaH .
daxiNadvaare dvaarashriyai namaH .
chaNDa bhairavaaya namaH . krodha bhairavaaya namaH .
pashchimadvaare dvaarashriyai namaH .
unmattabhairavaaya namaH . kapaala bhairavaaya namaH .
uttaradvaare dvaarashriyai namaH .
bhiiShaNabhairavaaya namaH . sa.nhaara bhairavaaya namaH .

brahmaNe namaH . viShNave namaH .
gaN^gaayai namaH . gaNapataye namaH .
ShaNmukhaaya namaH . bhR^iN^ginaathaaya namaH .
xetrapaalaaya namaH . tripurasa.nhartre namaH .
shaantiye namaH . tuShTiye namaH .
GYaanaaya namaH . dharmaaya namaH .
vairaagyaaya namaH . viiryaaya namaH .
satyaaya namaH . aGYaanaaya namaH .
adharmaaya namaH . anaishvaryaaya namaH .
asatyaaya namaH . aviraaGYaaya namaH .
sattvaaya namaH . rajase namaH .
tamase namaH . maayaaya namaH .
padmaaya namaH ..

dvaarapaalaka puujaaM samarpayaami ..

19 piiTha puujaa

aadhaara shaktyai namaH .. muulaprakR^ite namaH ..
varaahaaya namaH .. anantaaya namaH ..
padmaaya namaH .. naalaaya namaH ..
kandaaya namaH .. karNikaaya namaH ..
patrebhyo namaH .. dalebhyo namaH ..
kesarebhyo namaH ..

madhye shrii bhavaani sha.nkaraaya namaH. piiTha puujaaM samarpayaami ..

20 dhyaanaM

OM OM (repeat 15 times)

dhyaayet nityaM maheshaM rajatagiri nibhiM chaaru chandraavata.nsam .
ratnaakalpoj jvalaa.ngaM parashumR^igavaraa bhiiti hastaM prasannam ..
padmaasiinaM samantaat stutamamaragaNyeH vyaaghrakR^itiM vasaanam .
vishvaadyaM vishvavandyaM nikhila bhaya haraM pa.ncha vaktraM trinetram ..

shrii saambasadaashivaaya namaH .
shrii sadaashivaM dhyaayaami ..

(you can add more related shlokas)

21 aavaahana
( hold flowers in hand)

vyaaghra charmadharaM devaM chiti bhasmanulepanam .
ahvaayaaM umaakaantaM naagaabharaNa bhuuShitam ..

OM sahasrashiirShaa puruShaH sahasraaxaH sahasrapaat .
sa bhuumiM vishvato vR^itvaa atyatiShThad.hdashaa~Ngulam ..

aagachchha devadevesha tejoraashe jagatpate .
kriyamaaNaaM mayaa puujaaM gR^ihaaNa surasattame ..

OM bhuuH puruShaM saambasadaashivaM aavaahayaami .
OM bhuvaH puruShaM saambasadaashivaM aavaahayaami .
OM svaH puruShaM saambasadaashivaM aavaahayaami .
OM bhuurbhuvaH svaH saambasadaashivaM aavaahayaami ..
(offer flowers to Lord)

OM umaakaantaaya namaH . aavaahayaami ..

aavaahito bhava . sthaapito bhava . sannihito bhava .
sanniruddho bhava . avakuNThitho bhava . supriito bhava .
suprasanno bhava . sumukho bhava . varado bhava .
prasiida prasiida ..
(show mudras to Lord)

svaamin sarva jagannaatha yaavat puujaavasaanakaM .
taavattvaM priiti bhaavena li.ngesmin sannidho bhava ..

22 aasanaM

puruSha evedaguM sarvam yad.hbhuutaM yachchha bhavyam .
utaamR^itatvasyeshaanaH yadannenaatirohati ..

divya si.nhaasa naasiinaM trinetraM vR^iShavaahanaM .
indraadi devanamitaM dadaamyaasana muttamaM ..

OM gauri bhartre namaH . aasanaM samarpayaami ..
(offer flowers/axathaas)

23 paadyaM
(offer water)

etaavaanasya mahimaa ato jyaayaagu.nshcha puuruShaH .
paado.asya vishvaa bhuutaani tripaadasyaamR^itaM divi ..

gaN^gaadi sarva tiirthebhyo mayaa praarthanayaa hR^itam .
toyame tat sukha sparshaM paadyarthaM pratigR^ihyataam ..

OM gaN^gaadharaaya namaH . pAdoyo pAdyaM samarpayAmi ..

24 arghyaM
(offer water)

tripaaduurdhva udaitpuruShaH paado.asyehaabhavaatpunaH .
tato vishva~Nvyakraamat saashanaanashane abhi ..

gandhodakena puShpeNa chandanena sugandhinaa .
arghyaM gR^ihaaNa devesha bhakti me achalaaM kuru ..

OM vR^iSha vaahanaaya namaH . arghyaM samarpayaami ..

25 aachamaniiyaM
(offer water or akShathaa/ leave/flower)

tasmaadviraaDajaayata viraajo adhi puuruShaH .
sa jaato atyarichyata pashchaad.hbhuumi matho puraH ..

karpuuroxiira surabhi shiitalaM vimalaM jalaM .
gaN^gaayaastu samaaniitaM gR^ihaaNaachamaniiyakaM ..

OM saadhyo jaataaya namaH . aachamaniiyaM samarpayaami ..

26 madhuparkaM

namostu sarvalokesha umaadehaardha dhaariNe .
madhuparko mayaa datto gR^ihaaNa jagadiishvara ..

OM parameshvaraaya namaH . madhuparkaM samarpayaami ..

27 snaanaM

yatpuruSheNa haviShaa devaa yaGYamatanvata .
vasanto asyaasiidaajyam griiShma idhmashsharaddhaviH ..

ga.ngaacha yamunaashchaiva narmadaashcha sarasvati .
taapi payoShNi revacha taabhyaH snaanaarthamaahR^itam ..

OM shrii vishveshvaraaya namaH . malApakarsha snAnaM samarpayAmi ..

27 1. pa~nchaamR^ita snaanaM
27 1. 1 payaH snaanaM (milk bath)

OM aapyaaya sva svasametute
vishvataH somavR^iShNyaM bhavaavaajasya sa~Nadhe ..

payasnaanamidaM deva trilochana vR^iShadvaja .
gR^ihaaNa gauriiramaNa tvadbhaktena mayyaarpitam ..

OM shambhave namaH . payaH snAnaM samarpayAmi ..
payaH snaanaana.ntara shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 1. 2 dadhi snaanaM (curd bath)

OM dadhikraavaNo akaariShaM jiShNorashvasyavaajinaH .
surabhino mukhaakarat praaNa aayu.nShitaariShat ..

dadhna chaiva mahaadeva svapnaM kriiyate mayaa .
gR^ihaaNa tvaM suraadiisha suprasanno bhavaavyaya ..

OM vaamadevaaya namaH . dadhi snaanaM samarpayaami ..
dadhi snaanaana.ntara shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 1. 3 ghR^ita snaanaM (ghee bath)

OM ghR^itaM mimixe ghR^itamasya yonirghR^ite shrito ghR^itaMvasyadhaama
anuShThadhamaavaha maadayasva svaahaakR^itaM vR^iShabha vaxihavyam ..

sarpiisha cha mahaarudra svapnaM kriiyate duna .
gR^ihaaNa shraddhayaa dattaM tava priitaarthameva cha ..

OM aghoraaya namaH . ghR^ita snaanaM samarpayaami ..
ghR^ita snaanaana.ntara shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 1. 4 madhu snaanaM (honey bath)

OM madhuvaataa R^itaayathe madhuxara.nti sindhavaH maadhvinaH sa.ntoShvadhiiH
madhunaktaa muthoShaso madhumatvaarthivaM rajaH madhudyau rastunaH pitaa
madhumaanno vanaspatirmadhumaaM astu suuryaH maadhviirgaavo bhava.ntunaH ..

idaM madhu mayaa dattaM tava puShTyarthameva cha .
gR^ihaaNa devadevesha tataH shaantiM prayashcha me ..

OM tat puruShaaya namaH . madhu snaanaM samarpayaami ..
madhu snaanaana.ntara shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 1. 5 sharkaraa snaanaM (sugar bath)

OM svaaduH pavasya divyaaya janmane svaadudarindraaya suhaviitu naamne .
svaadurmitraaya varuNaaya vaayave bR^ihaspataye madhumaa adaabhyaH ..

sithayaa deva devesha snaapanaM kriiyate yataH .
tataH sa.ntuShTimaapannaH prasanno varado bhava ..

OM iishaanaaya namaH . sharkaraa snaanaM samarpayaami.
sharkaraa snaanaana.ntara shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami.
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 2. ga.ndhodaka snaanaM (Sandlewood water bath)

OM ga.ndhadvaaraaM duraadharshaaM nitya puShpaaM kariiShiNiim .
iishvariiM sarva bhuutaanaaM taami hopa vhayeshriyam ..

hara cha.ndana saMbhuutaM hara priitishcha gauravaat .
surabhi priya paramesha ga.ndha snaanaaya gR^ihyataam ..

OM shrii niilakaNThaaya namaH . ga.ndhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 3. abhya.nga snaanaM (Perfumed Oil bath)

OM kanikradajvanushaM prabhruvaana. iyathirvaachamariteva naavam .
suma~Ngalashcha shakune bhavaasi maatvaa kaachidabhibhaavishvyaa vidata ..

abhya.ngaarthaM mahiipaala tailaM puShpaadi saMbhavam .
suga.ndha dravya saMmishraM sa.ngR^ihaaNa jagatpate ..

OM umaapataye namaH . abhya.nga snaanaM samarpayaami.
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 4. a.ngodvartanakaM (To clean the body)

a.ngodvartanakaM deva kastuuryaadi vimishritam .
lepanaarthaM gR^ihaaNedaM haridraa ku~Nkumairyutam ..

OM kapardine namaH . a.ngodvartanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 5. uShNodaka snaanaM (Hot water bath)

naanaa tiirthaadaahR^itaM cha toyamuShNaM mayaakR^itam .
snaanaarthaM cha prayashchaami sviikurushva dayaanidhe ..

OM chandrashekharaaya namaH . uShNodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..

27 6. shuddhodaka snaanaM (Pure water bath)
sprinkle water all around

mandaakinyaaH samaaniitaM hemaamboruhaavaasitaM .
snaanaarthe maya bhaktyaa niiruM sviikuryataaM vibho ..

OM aapohiShTaa mayo bhuvaH . taana uurje dadhaatana .
mahiiraNaaya chaxase . yovaH shivatamorasaH tasyabhaajayate hanaH .
ushatiiriva maataraH . tasmaat ara.ngamaamavo . yasya xayaaya ji.nvadha .
aapo jana yathaachanaH ..

OM haraaya namaH . shuddhodaka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
sakala puujaarthe axataan samarpayaami ..
(after sprinkling water around throw one tulasi leaf to the north)

28 mahaa abhiShekaH
(Sound the bell, pour water from kalasha)
puruSha suukta

OM sahasrashiirShaa puruShaH sahasraaxaH sahasrapaat.h .
sa bhuumiM vishvato vR^itvaa atyatiShThad.hdashaaN^gulam.h .. 1..

puruSha evedaguM sarvam.h yad.hbhuutaM yachchha bhavyam.h .
utaamR^itatvasyeshaanaH yadannenaatirohati .. 2..

etaavaanasya mahimaa ato jyaayaaga.nshcha puuruShaH .
paado.asya vishvaa bhuutaani tripaadasyaamR^itaM divi .. 3..

tripaaduurdhva udaitpuruShaH paado.asyehaabhavaatpunaH .
tato vishvaN^vyakraamat.h saashanaanashane abhi .. 4..

tasmaadviraaDajaayata viraajo adhi puuruShaH .
sa jaato atyarichyata pashchaad.hbhuumi matho puraH .. 5..

yatpuruSheNa haviShaa devaa yaGYamatanvata .
vasanto asyaasiidaajyam.h griiShma idhmashsharaddhaviH .. 6..

saptaasyaasan.h paridhayaH trissapta samidhaH kR^itaaH .
devaa yadyaGYaM tanvaanaaH abadhnan puruShaM pashum.h .

taM yaGYaM barhiShi prauxan.h puruShaM jaatamagrataH .
tena devaa ayajanta saadhyaa R^iShayashcha ye .. 7..

tasmaadyaGYaatsarvahutaH saMbhR^itaM pR^iShadaajyam.h .
pashuugu.Nstaaga.nshchakre vaayavyaan.h aaraNyaan.h graamyaashchaye .. 8..

tasmaadyaGYaatsarvahutaH R^ichaH saamaani jaGYire .
chhandaa.Ngasi jaGYire tasmaat.h yajustasmaadajaayata .. 9..

tasmaadashvaa ajaayanta ye ke chobhayaadataH .
gaavo ha jaGYire tasmaat.h tasmaajjaataa ajaavayaH .. 10..

yatpuruShaM vyadadhuH katidhaa vyakalpayan.h .
mukhaM kimasya kau baahuu kaavuuruu paadaavuchyete .. 11..

braahmaNosya mukhamaasiit.h baahuu raajanyaH kR^itaH .
uruu tadasya yadvaishyaH pad.hbhyaaM shuudro ajaayata .. 12..

cha.ndramaa manaso jaataH chaxoH suuryo ajaayata .
mukhaadindrashchaagnishcha praaNaadvaayurajaayata .. 13..

naabhyaa aasiidantarixam.h shiirShNo dyauH samavartata .
padabhyaaM bhuumirdishaH shrotraat.h tathaa lokaa.nga akalpayan.h .. 14..

vedaahametaM puruShaM mahaantam.h aadityavarNaM tamasastu paare .
sarvaaNi ruupaaNi vichitya dhiiraH naamaani kR^itvaa.abhivadan.h yadaaste ..15..

dhaataa purastaadyamudaajahaara shakraH pravidvaan.h pradishashchatastraH .
tamevaM vidyaanamR^ita iha bhavati naanyaH panthaayanaaya vidyate .. 16..

yaGYena yaGYamayajanta devaaH taani dharmaaNi prathamaanyaasan.h .
te ha naakaM mahimaanaH sachante yatra puurve saadhyaaH santi devaaH .. 17..

OM shrii rudraaya namaH . puruShasuukta snaanaM samarpayaami. ..

balaaya shriyai yashasenadyaaya amR^itaabhiSheko astu .
shaantiH puShTiH tuShTishchaastu ..

OM pinaakine namaH . mahaa abhiSheka snaanaM samarpayaami ..
OM namaH shivaaya . snaanaana.ntara aachamaniiyaM samarpayaami ..

29 tarpaNaM
(Offer water)

OM bhava devaM tarpayaami .
OM sharvaM devaM tarpayaami .
OM iishaanaM devaM tarpayaami .
OM pashupatiM devaM tarpayaami .
OM ugraM devaM tarpayaami .
OM rudraM devaM tarpayaami .
OM bhiimaM devaM tarpayaami .
OM mahaantaM devaM tarpayaami .

30 pratiShThaapanaa

OM namaH shivaaya .. (Repeat 12 times)

OM tadastu mitraa varuNaa tadagne samyorashmabhyamidamestushastam .
ashiimahi gaadamuta pratiShThaaM namo dive brahate saadhanaaya ..
OM grihaavai pratiShThaasuuktaM tat pratiShTita tamayaa vaachaa .
shaM stavyaM tasmaadyadyapiduura iva pashuun labhate gR^ihaanevai ..
naanaajigamishati grihaahi pashuunaaM pratiShThaa pratiShThaa

OM shrii saambasadaashivaaya saa.ngaaya saparivaaraaya saayudhaaya
sashaktikaaya namaH . shrii saambasadaashivaM saa.ngaM saparivaaraM
saayudhaM sashaktikaM aavaahayaami ..
shrii gaurii sahita shrii saambasadaashivaaya namaH ..
supratiShThamastu ..

31 vastra
( offer two pieces of cloth for the Lord)

OM taM yaGYaM barhiShi prauxan puruShaM jaatamagrataH .
tena devaa ayajanta saadhyaa R^iShayashcha ye ..

vastra suuxmaM dukuulaM cha devaanaamapi durlabhaM .
gR^ihaaNataM umaakaanta prasanno bhava sarvadaa ..

OM shivaaya namaH . vastrayugmaM samarpayaami

32 shrii mahaa gaurii puujaa
32. 1 ka.nchukii

navaratnaabhirdadhaaM sauvarNaishchaiva ta.ntubhiH .
nirmitaaM ka.nchukiiM bhaktyaa gR^ihaaNa parameshvarii ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH. ka.nchukiiM samarpayaami ..

32. 2 kaNTha suutra

maa.ngalya ta.ntumaNibhiH muktaishchaiva viraajitam .
saumaa~Ngalya abhivR^idhyarthaM kaNThasuutraM dadaami te ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . kaNThasuutraM samarpayaami ..

32. 3 taaDapatraaNi

taaDapatraaNi divyaaNi vichitraaNi shubhaani cha .
karaabharaNayuktaani maatastatpratigR^ihyataam ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH taaDapatraani samarpayaami ..

32. 4 haridraa

haridraa ra.njite devii sukha saubhaagya daayinii .
haridraa.nte pradaasyaami gR^ihaaNa parameshvari ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . haridraa samarpayaami ..

32. 5 ku~Nkuma

ku~NkumaM kaamadaaM divyaM kaaminii kaama saMbhavam .
ku~Nkumaarchite devi saubhaagyaarthaM pratigR^ihyataam ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . ku~NkumaM samarpayaami ..

32. 6 kajjala

suniila bhramaraabhasaM kajjalaM netra maNDanam .
mayaadattamidaM bhaktyaa kajjalaM pratigR^ihyataam ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . kajjalaM samarpayaami ..

32. 7 si.nduura

vidyut kR^ishaanu sa~NkaashaM japaa kusumasannibham .
sinduura.nte pradaasyaami saubhaagyaM dehi me chiram ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . sinduuraM samarpayaami ..

32. 8 naanaa aabharaNa

svabhaavaa sundaraa.ngi tvaM naanaa ratna yutaani cha .
bhuuShaNaani vichitraaNi priityarthaM pratigR^ihyataam ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . naanaa aabharaNaani samarpayaami ..

32. 9 naanaa parimala dravyam

naanaa sugandhikaM dravyaM chuurNiikR^itya prayatnataH .
dadaami te namastubhyaM priityarthaM pratigR^ihyataam.h ..
OM shrii mahaa gauryai namaH . naanaa parimala dravyaM samarpayaami ..

33 yaGYopaviitam.h

tasmaadyaGYaatsarvahutaH saMbhR^itaM pR^iShadaajyam .
pashuugu.Nstaagu.nshchakre vaayavyaan.h aaraNyaan.h graamyaashchaye ..

yaGYopaviitaM sahajaM brahmaNaM nirmitaM pura .
aayuShyaM bhava varchasvam.h upaviitaM gR^ihaaNa me ..

OM shrii sarveshvaraaya namaH . yaGYopaviitaM samarpayaami ..

34 aabharaNaM

gR^ihaaNa naanaabharaNaani shambho mahesha jambuunaada nirmitaani .
lalaaTa kaNThottama karNa hasta nitamba hastaa.nguli bhuuShaNaani ..

OM shivaaya namaH . aabharaNaani samarpayaami ..

35 gandham.h

tasmaadyaGYaatsarvahutaH R^ichaH saamaani jaGYire .
chhandaa.Ngusi jaGYire tasmaat yajustasmaadajaayata ..

gandhaM gR^ihaaNa devesha kastuuri ku~Nkumaanvitam.h .
vilepanaarthaM karpuurarochana lohitaM mayaa ..

OM shrii haraaya namaH . gandhaM samarpayaami ..

36 naanaa parimala dravyam.h

OM ahiraiva bhogyeH paryeti baahuM jaayaa hetiM paribhaadamaanaH .
hastaGYo vishvaavayunaani vidvaan.hpumaaspramaa.nsaM paripaatu vishvataH ..

OM shrii maheshvaraaya namaH . naanaa parimala dravyaM samarpayaami ..

37 axata

tasmaadashvaa ajaayanta ye ke cho bhayaadataH .
gaavo ha jaGYire tasmaat tasmaajjaataa ajaavayaH ..

axataan dhavalaan shubhraan karpuuraaguru mishritaan .
gR^ihaaNa parayaa bhaktyaa mayaa tubhyaM samarpitaan ..

shrii sharvaaya namaH . axataan samarpayaami ..

38 puShpa

bilvaapamaarga dhattuura karaviiraarka sambhavaiH .
bakotphaladroNa mukhyaiH puShpai puujita sha.nkara ..

OM shrii bhavaaya namaH . puShpaaNi samarpayaami ..

39 athaaN^gapuujaaH

OM shivaaya namaH . paadau puujayaami ..
OM vyomaatmane namaH . gulphau puujayaami ..
OM anantaishvarya naathaaya namaH . jaanunii puujayaami ..
OM pradhaanaaya namaH . ja.nghe puujayaami ..
OM ananta viraajasiMhaaya namaH . uuruun puujayaami ..

OM GYaana bhuutaaya namaH . guhyaM puujayaami ..
OM satyasevyaaya namaH . jaghanaM puujayaami ..
OM anantadharmaaya namaH . kaTiM puujayaami ..
OM rudraaya namaH . udaraM puujayaami ..
OM satyadharaaya namaH . hR^idayaM puujayaami ..

OM iishaaya namaH . paarshvau puujayaami ..
OM tatpuruShaaya namaH . pR^iShThadehaM puujayaami ..
OM aghorahR^idayaaya namaH . skandhau puujayaami ..
OM vyomakeshaatmaruupaaya namaH . baahuun.h puujayaami ..
OM haraaya namaH . hastaan.h puujayaami ..

OM chaturbhaavave namaH . kaNThaM puujayaami ..
OM vaamadevaaya namaH . vadanaM puujayaami ..
OM pinaakahastaaya namaH . naasikaaM puujayaami ..
OM shriikaNThaaya namaH . shrotre puujayaami ..
OM indumukhaaya namaH . netraaNi puujayaami ..

OM haraye namaH . bhravau puujayaami ..
OM sadyojaatavedaaya namaH . bhruumadhyaM puujayaami ..
OM vaamadevaaya namaH . lalaaTaM puujayaami ..
OM sarvaatmane namaH . shiraH puujayaami ..
OM chandramaulaye namaH . mauliM puujayaami ..

OM sadaashivaaya namaH . sarvaaN^gaaNi puujayaami ..

40 atha puShpa puujaa

OM sharvaaya namaH . karaviira puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM bhavanaashanaaya namaH . jaajii puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM mahaadevaaya namaH . champaka puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM ugraaya namaH . vakula puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM ugranaabhaaya namaH . shatapatra puShpaM samarpayaami ..

OM bhavaaya namaH . kalhaara puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM shashimauline namaH . sevantikaa puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM rudraaya namaH . mallikaa puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM niilakaNThaaya namaH . iruva.ntikaa puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM shivaaya namaH . girikarNikaa puShpaM samarpayaami ..
OM bhavahaariNe namaH . aathasii puShpaM samarpayaami ..

bilvaapamaarga dhattuura karaviiraarka sambhavaiH .
bakotphaladroNa mukhyaiH puShpai puujita sha.nkara ..

bhavaaya namaH . naanaavidhapuShpaaNi samarpayaami ..

41 atha patra puujaa

OM mahaadevaaya namaH . bilva patraM samarpayaami ..
OM maheshvaraaya namaH . jaajii patraM samarpayaami ..
OM sha.nkaraaya namaH . champakaa patraM samarpayaami ..
OM vR^iShabhadhvajaaya namaH . tulasii patraM samarpayaami ..
OM shuulapaaNine namaH . duurvaa yugmaM samarpayaami ..

OM kaamaaN^ga naashanaaya namaH . seva.ntikaa patraM samarpayaami ..
OM devadeveshaaya namaH . maruga patraM samarpayaami ..
OM shriikaNThaaya namaH . davana patraM samarpayaami ..
OM iishvaraaya namaH . karaviira patraM samarpayaami ..
OM paarvatiipataye namaH . viShNukraanti patraM samarpayaami ..
OM rudraaya namaH . maachi patraM samarpayaami ..

OM sadaashivaaya namaH . sarvapatraaNi samarpayaami .

42 aavaraNa puujaa
42. 1 prathamaavaraNa puujaa

devasya pashchime sadyojaataaya namaH .
uttare vaamadevaaya namaH .
daxiNe aghoraaya namaH .
puurve tatpuruShaaya namaH .
uurdhvaM iishaanaaya namaH .

42. 2 dvitiiyaavaraNa puujaa

aagneya koNe hR^idayaaya namaH .
iishaanakoNe shirase svaahaa .
naiR^itya koNe shikhaayai vauShaT .
vaayavya koNe kavachaaya huM .
agre netratrayaaya vauShaT .
dixu astraaya phaT .

(right hand round the head and quickly sound a clap
- thus you close all directions)

42. 3 tR^itiiyaavaraNa puujaa

praachyaaM anantaaya namaH .
aavaachyaaM suuxmaaya namaH .
pratiichyaaM shivottamaaya namaH .
udichyaaM ekanetraaya namaH .
iishaanyaaM ekarudraaya namaH .
AgneyaaM trai muurtaye namaH .
naiR^ityaaM shriikaNThaaya namaH .
vaayavyaaM shikhandine namaH .

42. 4 chaturthaavaraNa puujaa

uttare digdale umaayai namaH .
iishaana digdale chaNDeshvaraaya namaH .
puurva digdale nandiishvaraaya namaH .
aagneya digdale mahaakaalaaya namaH .
daxiNa digdale vR^iShabhaaya namaH .
naiR^itya digdale gaNeshvaraaya namaH .
pashchima digdale bhR^i.nghiishaaya namaH .
vaayavya digdale mahaasenaaya namaH .

42. 5 pa.nchamaavaraNa puujaa

i.ndraaya namaH . agnaye namaH .
yamaaya namaH . naiR^itaye namaH .
varuNaaya namaH . vaayavye namaH .
kuberaaya namaH . iishaanaaya namaH .
braahmaNe namaH . ana.ntaaya namaH .

42. 6 ShaShThaavaraNa puujaa

vajraaya namaH . shaktaye namaH .
daNDaaya namaH . khaDgaaya namaH .
paashaaya namaH . a.nkushaaya namaH .
gadhaayai namaH . trishuulaaya namaH .
padmaaya namaH . chakraaya namaH .

sarvebhyo aavaraNa devataabhyo namaH .
sarvopachaaraarthe gandhaaxata puShpaaNi samarpayaami..

43 aShTottarashatanaama puujaa

.. OM ..
shivaaya namaH . maheshvaraaya namaH .
shaMbhave namaH . pinaakine namaH .
shashishekharaaya namaH . vaamadevaaya namaH .
viruupaaxaaya namaH . kapardine namaH .
niilalohitaaya namaH . sha.nkaraaya namaH .
shuulapaaNaye namaH . khaTvaa.ngine namaH .
viShNuvallabhaaya namaH . shipiviShTaaya namaH .
aMbikaanaathaaya namaH . shriikaNThaaya namaH .
bhaktavatsalaaya namaH . bhavaaya namaH .
sharvaaya namaH . trilokeshaaya namaH .
shitikaNThaaya namaH . shivaa priyaaya namaH .
ugraaya namaH . kapaaline namaH .
kaamaaraye namaH . andhakaasurasuudanaaya namaH .
ga.ngaadharaaya namaH . lalaaTaaxaaya namaH .
kaalakaalaaya namaH . kR^ipaanidhaye namaH .
bhiimaaya namaH . parashuhastaaya namaH .
mR^igapaaNaye namaH . jaTaadharaaya namaH .
kailaasavaasine namaH . kavachine namaH .
kaThoraaya namaH . tripuraantakaaya namaH .
vR^iShaa.nkaaya namaH . vR^iShabhaaruuDhaaya namaH .
bhasmoddhuulita vigrahaaya namaH . saamapriyaaya namaH .
svaramayaaya namaH . trayiimuurtaye namaH .
aniishvaraaya namaH . sarvaGYaaya namaH .
paramaatmane namaH . somasuuryaagnilochanaaya namaH .
haviShe namaH . yaGYamayaaya namaH .
somaaya namaH . pa.nchavaktraaya namaH .
sadaashivaaya namaH . vishveshvaraaya namaH .
viirabhadraaya namaH . gaNanaathaaya namaH .
prajaapataye namaH . hiraNyaretase namaH .
durdharShaaya namaH . giriishaaya namaH .
girishaaya namaH . anaghaaya namaH .
bhuja.ngabhuuShaNaaya namaH . bhargaaya namaH .
giridhanvane namaH . giripriyaaya namaH .
kR^ittivaasase namaH . puraaraataye namaH .
bhagavate namaH . pramathaadhipaaya namaH .
mR^ityu.njayaaya namaH . suuxmatanave namaH .
jagad.hvyaapine namaH . jagad.hguruve namaH .
vyomakeshaaya namaH . mahaasenajanakaaya namaH .
chaaruvikramaaya namaH . rudraaya namaH .
bhuutapataye namaH . sthaaNave namaH .
ahayebudhnyaaya namaH . digaMbaraaya namaH .
aShTamuurtaye namaH . anekaatmane namaH .
saatvikaaya namaH . shuddhavigrahaaya namaH .
shaashvataaya namaH . khaNDaparashave namaH .
aGYaaya namaH . paashavimochakaaya namaH .
mR^iDaaya namaH . pashupataye namaH .
devaaya namaH . mahaadevaaya namaH .
avyayaaya namaH . haraye namaH .
bhaganetrabhide namaH . avyaktaaya namaH .
daxaadhvaraharaaya namaH . haraaya namaH .
puuShadantabhide namaH . avyagraaya namaH .
sahasraaxaaya namaH . sahasrapade namaH .
apavargapradaaya namaH . anantaaya namaH .
taarakaaya namaH . parameshvaraaya namaH .

iti aShTottara puujaaM samarpayaami ..

44 dhuupaM

vanaspatyudbhavo divyo gandhaaDhyo gandhavuttamaH .
aaghreyaH mahipAlo dhuupoyaM pratigR^ihyataam ..

yatpuruShaM vyadadhuH katidhaa vyakalpayan .
mukhaM kimasya kau baahuu kaavuuruu paadaavuchyete ..

OM balaaya namaH . OM shivaaya namaH . dhuupaM aaghraapayaami ..

45 diipaM

diipaM hi paramaM shambho ghR^ita prajvalitaM mayaa .
dattaM gR^ihaaNa devesha mama GYaanaprada bhava ..

bhaktyaa diipaM prayashchaami devaaya paramaatmane .
traahi maaM narakaat ghoraat diipaM jyotir namostute ..

braahmaNosya mukhamaasiit baahuu raajanyaH kR^itaH .
uruu tadasya yadvaishyaH pad.hbhyaaM shuudro ajaayata ..

OM shrii balapramathanaaya namaH . OM namaH shivaaya . diipaM darshayaami ..

46 naivedyaM

(dip finger in water and write a square and
'shrii' mark inside the square. Place naivedya on
'shrii'. ; remove lid and sprinkle water around
the vessel; place in each food item one washed

OM sadaashivaaya vidmahe mahaadevaaya dhiimahi .
tanno sha.nkara prachodayaat ..

OM namaH shivaaya ..
(show mudras)

nirviiShikaraNaarthe taarxa mudraa .
amR^itii karaNaarthe dhenu mudraa .
pavitriikaraNaarthe sha~Nkha mudraa .
sa.nraxaNaarthaM chakra mudraa .
vipulamaayaa karaNaarthe meru mudraa .

Touch naivedya and chant 9 times ' OM'

OM satya.ntavartena parisi~nchaami
(sprinkle water around the naivedya)

bhoH! svaamin bhojanaarthaM aagashchaadi viGYaapya
(request Lord to come for dinner)

sauvarNe sthaalivairye maNigaNakachite goghR^itaaM
supakvaaM bhaxyaaM bhojyaaM cha lehyaanapi
sakalamahaM joShyamna niidhaaya naanaa shaakai ruupetaM
samadhu dadhi ghR^itaM xiira paaNiiya yuktaM
taaMbuulaM chaapi shivaM pratidivasamahaM manase chintayaami ..

adya tiShThati yatkinchit kalpitashchaapara.ngR^ihe
pakvaannaM cha paaniiyaM yathopaskara sa.nyutaM
yathaakaalaM manuShyaarthe moxyamaanaM shariiribhiH
tatsarvaM shivapuujaastu prayataaM me maheshvara
sudhaarasaM suviphulaM aapoShaNamidaM
tava gR^ihaaNa kalashaaniitaM yatheShTamupa bhujjyataam ..

OM namaH shivaaya . amR^itopastaraNamasi svaahaa ..
(drop water from sha.nkha)

OM praaNaatmane svaahaa .
OM apaanaatmane svaahaa .
OM vyaanaatmane svaahaa .
OM udaanaatmane svaahaa .
OM samaanaatmane svaahaa .

OM namaH shivaaya .

naivedyaM gR^ihyataaM deva bhakti me achalaaM kuruH .
iipsitaM me varaM dehi ihatra cha paraaM gatim ..

shrii sadaashivaM namastubhyaM mahaa naivedyaM uttamam .
sa.ngR^ihaaNa surashreShTha bhakti mukti pradaayakam ..

naivedyaM samarpayaami ..

(cover face with cloth and chant gaayatrii ma.ntra
five times or repeat 12 times OM namaH shivaaya )

sarvatra amR^itopidhaanyamasi svaahaa .
OM namaH shivaaya . uttaraapoShaNaM samarpayaami ..

(Let flow water from sha.nkha)

47 mahaa phalaM
(put tulsi / axathaa on a big fruit)

idaM phalaM mayaadeva sthaapitaM puratastava .
tena me saphalaavaaptir bhavet janmani janmani ..

OM shivaaya namaH . mahaaphalaM samarpayaami .

48 phalaaShTaka
(put tulsi/axata on fruits)

kuuShmANDa mAtuli~NgaM cha naarikelaphalaani cha .
gR^ihaaNa paarvatiikaanta somesha pratigR^ihyataam ..

OM kedaareshvaraaya namaH . phalaaShTakaM samarpayaami ..

49 karodvartanam.h

karodvartankaM devamayaa dattaM hi bhaktitaH .
chaaru cha.ndra prabhaaM divyaaM gR^ihaaNa jagadiishvara ..

OM shrii sha.nkaraaya namaH .
karodvartanaarthe cha.ndanaM samarpayaami ..

50 taaMbuulaM

puugiphalaM sataaMbuulaM naagavalli dalairyutam .
tAmbuulaM gR^ihyatAM deva yela lava~Nga sa.nyuktam ..

OM manonmayaaya namaH . puugiphala taambuulaM samarpayaami ..

51 daxiNaa

hiraNya garbha garbhastha hemabiija vibhaavasoH .
ana.nta puNya phaladaa athaH shaa.ntiM prayashcha me ..

OM shrii shivaaya namaH . suvarNa puShpa daxiNaaM samarpayaami ..

52 mahaa niiraajana

chaxurdaaM sarvalokaanaaM timirasya nivaaraNam .
arthikyaM kalpitaM bhaktyaa gR^ihaaNa parameshvara ..

shriiyai jaataH shriya aniriyaaya shriyaM vayo jaritrabhyo dadaati
shriyaM vasaanaa amR^itattva maayan bhava.nti satyaa samidhaa mitadrau
shriya yevainaM tat shriyaa maadadhaati sa.ntata mR^ichaa vaShaT.hkR^ityaM
sa.ntataM sa.ndhiiyate prajayaa pashubhiH yayevaM veda ..

OM namaH shivaaya . mahaaniiraajanaM diipaM samarpayaami ..

53 karpuura diipa

archata prArchata priya me dAso archata .
archantu putra kA vatapuranna dhR^iShNa varchata ..

karpuurakaM mahaaraaja raMbhodbhuutaM cha diipakam .
ma~NgalaarthaM mahiipaala sa~NgR^ihaaNa jagatpate ..

OM namaH shivaaya. karpuura diipaM samarpayaami ..

54 pradaxiNaa

naabhyaa aasiidantarixam shiirShNo dyauH samavartata .
padbhyaaM bhuumirdishaH shrotraat tathaa lokaa.nga akalpayan ..

yaani kaani cha paapaani janmaa.ntara kR^itaani cha .
taani taani vinashyanti pradaxiNe pade pade ..

pradaxiNa triyaM deva prayatnena mayaa kR^itaM .
tena paapaaNi sarvaaNi vinaashaaya namo.astute ..

OM namaH shivaaya . pradaxiNaan samarpayaami ..

55 namaskaara

saptaasyaasan paridhayaH trissapta samidhaH kR^itaaH .
devaa yadyaGYaM tanvaanaaH abadhnanpuruShaM pashum ..

namaste sarvalokesha namaste jagadiishvara .
namastestu para brahma namaste parameshvara ..
hetave jagataaveva sa.nsaaraarNava setave .
prabhave sarvavidyaanaaM shambhave guruve namaH ..

namo namo shambho namo namo jagatpate .
namo namo jagatsaaxiN namo namo niranjana ..
namostute shuulapaaNe namostu vR^iShabhadhvaja .
jiimuutavaahana kare sarva tryaMbaka sha.nkara ..

maheshvara hareshaana suvanaaxa vR^iShaakape .
daxa yaGYa xayakara kaala rudra namo.astute ..

tvamaadirasyajagat tvaM madhyaM parameshvara .
bhavaana.ntashcha bhagavan sarvagastvayaM namostute ..

puurve sharvaaya kiirtimuurtaye namaH .
iishaanyaaM bhavaaya jalamuurtaye namaH .
uttare rudraaya agnimuurtaye namaH .
vaayuvyaaM ugraaya vaayumuurtaye namaH .
pashchime bhiimaaya aakaashamuurtaye namaH .
naiR^ityaaM pashupataye yajamaana mardaye namaH.
daxiNe mahaadevaaya somamuurtaye namaH .
aagneyaaM iishaanaaya suuryamuurtaye namaH ..

OM namaH shivaaya . namaskaaraan samarpayaami ..

56 raajopachaara

gR^ihaaNa parameshaana saratne chhatra chaamare .
darpaNaM vya~njanaM chaiva raajabhogaaya yatnathaH ..

OM chandrashekharaaya namaH . chhatraM samarpayaami .
OM vyomakeshaaya namaH . chaamaraM samarpayaami .
OM vishvaatmane namaH . giitaM samarpayaami .
OM somamuurtaye namaH . nR^ityaM samarpayaami .
OM vishvamuurtaye namaH . vaadyaM samarpayaami .
OM gaMbhiiranaadaaya namaH . darpaNaM samarpayaami .
OM mR^igapaaNaye namaH . vya~njanaM samarpayaami .
OM bhuja.nganaathaaya namaH . aandolanaM samarpayaami .
OM trikaalaagninetraaya namaH . raajopachaaraan samarpayaami .
OM sarvavyaapine namaH . sarvopachaaraan samarpayaami .

57 ma.ntra puShpa

yaGYena yaGYamayajanta devaaH taani dharmaaNi prathamaanyaasan .
te ha naakaM mahimaanaH sachante yatra puurve saadhyaaH santi devaaH ..

yaH shuchiH prayato bhuutvaa juhuyaadaajyamanvaham .
suuktaM pa~nchadasharchaM cha shriikaamaH satataM japet ..

vidyaa buddhi dhanaishvarya putra pautraadi saMpadaH .
puShpaa.njali pradaanena dehime iipsitaM varam ..

namo.astvana.ntaaya sahasra muurtaye sahasra paadaaxi shiroru baahave .
sahasranaamne puruShaaya shaashvate sahasra koTii yugadhaariNe namaH ..

OM namo mahadbhyo namo arbhakebhyo namo yuvabhyo namo aasiinebhyaH .
yajaaM devaanya dishakravaa mamaa jaayasaH shaM samaavR^ixideva ..
OM mamattunaH pariGYaavasaraH mamattu vaato apaaM vrashanvaan .
shishiitamindraa parvataa yuvannasthanno vishvevarivasyantu devaaH ..
OM kathaata agne shuchiiya.nta ayordadaashurvaaje bhiraashushaanaH .
ubheyattoketanaye dadhaanaa R^itasya saamanR^iNaya.nta devaaH ..

OM raajaadhi raajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayaM vaishravaNaaya
kuurmahe same kaamaan kaama kaamaaya mahyaM kaameshvaro
vaishravaNo dadhaatu kuberaaya vaishravaNaaya mahaaraajaaya namaH ..

OM svasti saamraajyaM bhojyaM svaaraajyaM vairaajyaM
paarameShThaaM raajyaM mahaaraajyamaadhipatyamayaM sama.nta
paryaayisyaat saarva bhOMaH saarvaayushaH a.ntaadaa
paraardhaat pR^ithivyai samudra paryantaaya ekaraaliti tadapyesha
shlokobhigiito maruutaH pariveShTaaro marutasyaa vasangR^ihe
aaviixitasya kaamaprervishvedevaa sabhaasada iti ..

shrii saambasadaashivaaya namaH . ma.ntrapuShpaM samarpayaami ..

58 xamaapanaM

yatki.nchit kurmahe deva sada sukR^itduShkR^itam .
tanme shivapaadasya bhu.nxavaxapaya sha.nkara ..

karacharaNakR^itaM vaa kaayajaM karmajaM vaa .
shravaNa nayanajaM vaa maanasaM vaaparaadham ..
vihitamavahitaM vaa sarvametat xamasva .
jaya jaya karuNaabdhe shrii mahaadeva shambho ..

59 praarthanaa

namovyaktaaya suuxmaaya namaste tripuraantaka .
puujaaM gR^ihaaNa devesha yathaashaktyupapaaditaam ..
kiM na jaanaasi devesha tvayii bhaktiM prayashcha me .
svapaadaagratale deva daasyaM dehi jagatpate ..

baddhohaM vividdhai paashai sa.nsaarubhayaba.ndhanai .
patitaM mohajaale maM tvaM samudhdhara sha.nkara ..
prasanno bhava me shriiman sadgatiH pratipaadyataam .
tvadaalokana maatreNa pavitrosmi na sa.nshayaH ..

tvadanya sharaNyaH prapannsya neti .
prasiida smaranneva hannyaastu dainyam ..
nachette bhavedbhakti vaatsalya haani .
stato me dayaalo dayaaM sannidehi ..

sakaaraNamasheShasya jagataH sarvadaa shivaH .
go braahmaNa nR^ipaaNaaM cha shivaM bhavatu me sadaa ..

60 sha~Nkha braamaNa

(make three rounds of sha.nkha with
water like aarati and pour down;
chant OM 9 times and show mudras)

imaaM aapashivatama imaM sarvasya bheShaje .
imaaM raaShTrasya vardhini imaaM raaShTra bhratomata ..

61 tiirtha praashna

laabhasteShaaM jayasteShaaM kutasteShaaM paraajayaH .
yeShaaM indiivara shyaamo hR^idayasto janaardanaH ..

akaala mR^ityu haraNaM sarva vyaadhi nivaaraNaM .
sarva paapa upashamanaM shiva paadodakaM shubham ..

62 visarjana puujaa

aaraadhitaanaaM devataanaaM punaH puujaaM kariShye ..
OM namaH shivaaya ..

puujaa.nte chhatraM samarpayaami . chaamaraM samarpayaami .
nR^ityaM samarpayaami . giitaM samarpayaami .
vaadyaM samarpayaami . aa.ndolika aarohaNaM samarpayaami .
ashvaarohaNam samarpayaami . gajaarohaNaM samarpayaami .

shrii saambasadaashivaaya namaH .

samasta raajopachaara devopachaara shaktyupachaara bhaktyupachaara
puujaaM samarpayaami ..

63 aatma samarpaNa

nityaM naimittikaM kaamyaM yatkR^itaM tu mayaa shiva .
tat sarvaM parameshaana mayaa tubhyaM samarpitam ..

ma.ntrahiinaM kriyaahiinaM bhaktihiinaM janaardana .
yatpuujitaM mayaadeva paripuurNaM tadastu me ..

aavaahanaM na jaanaami, na jaanaami visarjanam.h .
puujaavidhiM na jaanaami xamasva puruShottama ..

aparAdha sahasrANi kriyante aharnishaM mayA .
tAni sarvANi me deva xamasva puruShottama ..

vartamaane bahudaanya naama sa.nvatsare maaga maase kR^ishNa paxe
trayodasi tithau shrii saambasadaashiva preraNayaa shrii
saambasadaashiva priityarthaM anena mayaa charita shivaraatri
vrate shrii sadaashiva puujaaraadhanena
bhagavaan shrii sha.nkaraH priiyataaM ..

OM tatsat

.. shrii sadaashivaarpaNamastu ..

64 arghyapradaanaM

shrii saambasadaashiva preraNayaa shrii saambasadaashiva priityarthaM
shivaraatri vrata sampuurNa phala praapyarthaM cha arghya pradaanaM kariShye.

vyomakesha namastubhyaM vyomaatmaa vyomaruupiNe .
naxatrarupiNe tubhyaM dadaamyarghyaM namo.astute .
shrii shivaaya namaH .
taarakali.ngaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

kailaasha nilaya shambho paarvatii priya vallabha .
trailokyatamavidhva.nsin gR^ihaaNarghyaM sadaashiva ..
shrii shivaaya namaH .
sadaashivaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

kaalarudra shiva shambho kaalaatman tripuraa.ntaka .
duritagna surashreShTha gR^ihaaNarghyaM sadaashiva ..
shrii shivaaya namaH .
sadaashivaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

aakaashaadyaashariiraaNi gR^ihanaxatramaalaini .
sarva siddhi nivaasaartaM dadaamarghyaM sadaashiva ..
shrii shivaaya namaH .
sadaashivaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

umaadevii shivaardhaaN^gii jaganmaatR^i guNaatmike .
traahi maaM devi sarveShi gR^ihaaNaarghyaM namo.astute ..
shrii paarvatyai namaH .
paarvatyai idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

shrii guNaatman trilokeshaH brahmaa viShNu shivaatmaka .
arghyaM chedaM mayaa dattaM gR^ihaaNa gaNanaayaka. ..
shrii gaNapataye namaH .
gaNapataye idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

senaadhipa surashreShTha paarvatii priyanandana .
gR^ihaaNarghyaM mayaa dattaM namaste shikhivaahana .
shrii skandaaya namaH .
skandaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

viirabhadra mahaaviira vishva GYaana vara prada .
idamarghyaM pradaasyaami sa.ngrahaaNa shivapriya ..
shrii viirabhadraaya namaH .
viirabhadraaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

dharmastvaM vR^iSha ruupeNa jagadaanandakaaraka .
aShTamuurtairadhiShThaanaM athaH paahi sanaatana .
shrii vR^iShabhaaya namaH .
vR^iShabhaaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

chaNDiishvara mahaadeva traahi maam kR^ipayaakaara .
idamarghyaM pradaasyaami prasannaa varadaa bhava .
shrii chaNDiishvaraaya namaH .
chaNDiishvaraaya idamarghyaM dattaM na mama ..

anena shivaraatri vrataa.ngatvena arghyapradaanena bhagavan
shrii sadaashiva priiyataaM .
OM tatsat
shrii sadaashivaarpaNamastu ..

yAntu deva gaNaaH sarve puujAM AdAya partiviim.h
iShTa kAmyaartha sidhyarthaM punarAgamanAya cha ..

(Shake the kalasha)