Thursday, December 31, 2015

Open the Door

My dears, wish you God's blessings in the new year. It is always with us but sometimes something prevents to feel it.
Several years ago I posted this video in youtube, hoping that the world got a temporary respite but it happens only when it should. Sometimes, the hard times are the best for the understanding. As my old friend said:"Happiness can be found even in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Close the door of hate and open the door of love.
Love you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Guardian Angel

Rodin "The Cathedral"
I am the bird that flutters against your window in the morning,
and your closest friend, whom you can never know,
blossoms that light up for the blind.

I am the glacier shining over the woods, so pale,
and heavy voices from the cathedral tower.
The thought that suddenly hits you in the middle of the day
and makes you feel so fantastically happy.

I am the one you have loved for many years.
I walk beside you all day and look intently at you
and put my mouth against your heart
though you're not aware of it.

I am your third arm, your second
shadow, the white one,
whom you cannot accept,
and who can never forget you.

---by Rolf Jacobsen (1907 - 1994)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Yam Brahma Vedantavido

yaM brahma vedAntavido vadanti
pare pradhAnaM puruShaM tathAnye |
vishvodgateH kaaraNam IshvaraM vA
tasmai namo vighnavinAyakAya ||

Friday, December 25, 2015

Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya

Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya
Vachikam Sarva Vangmayam
Aharyam Chandra Taradi
Tam Namah Sattvikam Shivam
Whose bodily movements is the (entire) universe,
whose speech is the lang (of the Universe),
whose ornaments are the moon and the stars,
Him we worship, the serene Lord Shiva.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Nativity Prayer of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

 Let Your goodness Lord appear to us, that we made in your image, conform ourselves to it.
In our own strength we cannot imitate Your majesty, power, and wonder nor is it fitting for us to try.
But Your mercy reaches from the heavens through the clouds to the earth below.
You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal love Caress us with Your tiny hands, embrace us with Your tiny arms and pierce our hearts with Your soft, sweet cries.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lead Us Up

Lead us up beyond unknowing and light,
     up to the farthest, highest peak
          of mystic scripture,
     where the mysteries of God's Word
          lie simple, absolute and unchangeable
          in the brilliant darkness of a hidden silence.
     Amid the deepest shadow
          they pour overwhelming light
          on what is most manifest.
     Amid the wholly unsensed and unseen
          they completely fill our sightless minds
     with treasures beyond all beauty.

---by Dionysius the Areopagite

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Navavarna Mala

|| shrI sadAshivabrahmendravirachitA ||

o.nkAraikanirUpya.n pa~NkajabhavanAdibhAvitapadAbjam |
ki.nkarakairavashashina.n sha.nkarameka.n kalaye||
aindra.n padamapi manute naiva vara.n
yasya padarajaHsparshAt |
sAndrasukhodadhimeka.n chandrakalotta.nsamIshamAseve||
nAgeshakR^ittivasana.n vAgIshAdyaikavanditA~Nghriyugam |
bhogIshabhUShitA~Nga.n bhAgIkR^itasarvama~Ngala.n naumi||
nagarAjashikharavAsina.n agajAmukhakumudakaumudInikaram |
gaganashiroruhameka.n nigamashirastantraviditamavala.nbe||
mandasmitalasadAnana.n indukalotta.nsamambikAsachivam |
ka.ndarpakoTishataguNa\-sundaradivyAkR^iti.n shiva.n vande||
mastaka nama kamalA.nghri.n sa.nstuhi
bho vANi varaguNodAram |
hastayugArchaya sharva.n svastho nivasAmi nijamahimnyamunA||
klinnexaNamatikR^ipayA sa.nnutamahimAnamAgamashirobhiH |
ta.n naumi pArvatIsha.n pannagavarabhUShaNojjvalakarAbjam||
vaTaviTapinikaTanilaya.n kuTilajaTAghaTitahimakarodAram |
kaTilasitakaraTikR^itti.n niTilAmbakamekamAla.nbe||9 ||
vAmA~NkakalitakAnta.n kAmAntakamAdidaivata.n dAntam |
bhUmAnandaghana.n taddhAma kimapyantarAntara.n bhAti||
akhaNDitAtmamAtramaham |
sadaya.n sA.nbashiva.n ta.n madanAntakamAdidaivata.n naumi||
susmitavadanendusamuditadigantam |
sa.nstutamamaragaNaista.n nistulamahimAnamAnato.asmi shivam||
navavarNamAlAstutimetAmAdideshikendrasya |
dhArayataH syAdbhuktiH sakalakalAvAptiratha parA muktiH||

|| iti shrI sadAshivabrahmendravirachitA navavarNamAlA sa.npUrNA||

Friday, December 18, 2015

I Will Weep

 I will weep and weep for you, O Mind;
(my Soul) The world hath caught you in its spell.
Though you cling to them with the anchor of steel,
Not even the shadow of the things you love
Will go with you when you are dead.
Why then have you forgot your own true Self ?

---by Lalla Ded (Lalleshwari) (1320–1392)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fish and Bowl

A king gave a present to a Sufi mystic. It was a golden bowl with a beautiful fish in it. The Sufi looked at the bowl and then at the fish. He felt very sorry for the fish, because the fish was imprisoned in that golden bowl.

So, the Sufi mystic went to the lake and liberated the fish in that lake. He was tremendously happy that at least now the fish can have the whole lake, the great freedom, the space that really belongs to the fish. Although the bowl was made of gold it was a confinement. Then he looked at the bowl and thought, what will he do with that bowl? So he threw the bowl also into the lake.

The next morning the Sufi mystic visited the lake to have a look at the fish and he was surprised, the fish was again in the bowl although the bowl was in the lake. The fish had again chosen the bowl. The bowl was in the lake, but the fish was not in the lake. The fish had entered into the bowl again. The fish had lived in that bowl for so long. The bowl was its home. The mystic thought it was a prison, but not the fish.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

What Holds me from Thee?

If, Lord, Thy love for me is strong

As this which binds me unto thee,

What holds me from thee Lord so long,

What holds thee Lord so long from me?

O soul, what then desirest thou?

Lord I would see thee, who thus choose thee.

What fears can yet assail thee now?

All that I fear is but lose thee.

Love’s whole possession I entreat,

Lor make my soul thine own abode,

And I will build a nest so sweet

It may not be too poor for God.

A sould in God hidden from sin,

What more desires for thee remain,

Save but to love again,

And all on flame with love within,

Love on, and turn to love again.

--- By St Teresa Avila

Friday, December 11, 2015

Chambe Di Booti

A Sufi song performed by Alif Allah, Jugni, Arif Lohar and Meesha.

Alif allah chambay di booti,
tey meray murshid mann vich lai hoo
Ho nafi uss baat da paani dey kay
Har ragaay harjai hoo
Ho joog joog jeevay mera murshid sohna
Hatay jiss ay booti lai ho

My master has planted the fragrant seed of love in my heart
Which flourished with modesty, piety and acceptance of his existence
My Beloved is present in every throbbing pulse
My Beloved No-Master is ever-present
The one who blew life into me

Pir meraya jugni ji
Ae way allah waliyan di jugni ji
Ae way nabbi pak di jugni ji
Ae way maula ali wali jugni ji
Ae way meray pir di jugni ji
Ae way saaray sabaz di jugni ji

I have the spirit of my beloved
The spirit of all the messengers who brought His message to this Earth
The spirit of Holy Prophets
The spirit of the One
The spirit of my saint
The spirit of all his words

Dum gutkoon… karay Saeein
Parhay tay kalma nabi da Parhay saeein pir merya

Everytime I breath, my heart echoes his name
with every breath remembers him and sings the song of love

Pir meraya jugni ji
Ae way allah waliyan di jugni ji

I have the spirit of my beloved
The spirit of all the messengers who brought His message to this Earth
The spirit of Holy Prophets
The spirit of the One
The spirit of my saint
The spirit of all his words

Jugni taar khaeein vich thaal
Chad duniya dey janjaal
Kuch ni nibna bandiya naal

O my creation, share whatever you have
Remove yourself from worldly concerns
There is nothing that you can get from other human beings that you can take to the after-life

Jugni taar khaeein vich thaal
Chad duniya dey janjaal
Kuch ni nibna bandiya naal
Rakhi saabat sidh amaal

O my creation, share whatever you have
Remove yourself from worldly concerns
There is nothing that you can get from other human beings that you can take to the after-life
Just keep you actions and intentions pure

Pir meraya jugni ji
Ae way allah waliyan di jugni ji
Ae way nabbi pak di jugni ji
Ae way maula ali wali jugni ji
Ae way meray pir di jugni ji
Ae way saaray sabaz di jugni ji

I have the spirit of my beloved
The spirit of all the messengers who brought His message to this Earth
The spirit of Holy Prophets
The spirit of the One
The spirit of my saint
The spirit of all his words

Jugni dig payee vich roi
Othay ro ro kamli hoi
Oddi vaath naye lainda koi
Tey kalmay binna nai mildi toi

So absorbed was the creation that she stumbled into a ditch
There she wailed relentlessly
But there was no one who enquired about her
Remember, there is no salvation for anyone without remembering the self

Dum gutkoon, dum gutkoon,
dum gutkoon, dum gootkun… karay Saeein
Dum gutkoon, dum gutkoon

Everytime I breath, my heart echoes his name
with every breath remembers him and sings the song of love

Ho wanga charha lo kuriyon
Meray daata dey darbaar dian

Put on your bangles, girls
Those that you get at your Master’s shrines

Ho naa kar teeya khair piyari
Maan daindiya galaryaan
Din din talhi juwani jaandi
Joon sohna puthia lariyaan
Aurat marad, shehzaday sohney
O moti, O laa lariyaan
Sir da sarfa kar naa jairey
Peen prem pya lariyan
O daatay day darbaan chaa akho
Pawan khair sawa lariyan

Daughter, don’t be proud of your youth
Your mother scoffs and scolds you
with each day, the bloom of youth is waning
Even gold when put in the furnance moulds itself, there is absolutely no permanence
Women, men are like so beautiful and precious
Like pearls, like the gems
Those who realizes the One
drink from the cup of love
Whenever you visit the darbar of any saint
he showers you with his blessings by directing your eyes towards the absolute

Ho wanga charha lo kuriyon
Meray daata dey darbaar dian

Put on your bangles, girls
Those that you get at your Master’s shrines

Dum gutkoon, dum gutkoon,
dum gutkoon, dum gootkun… karay Saeein

Put on your bangles, girls …
Those that you get at your Master’s shrines

Jugni ji

O My Beloved...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

O Kali!

O Kali! I am going to devour You this time
Therefore, I ask You, O Kali…
O ever blissful Kali, the enchantress of the heart of almighty Mahakala.
You dance alone. And You sing alone, clapping Your hands.
O Mother, You are the first Cause,
the Eternal One, in the form of the Void
and wearing the moon on Your forehead.
When the universe did not exist,
where did You find Your string of severed human heads?
You alone are the Mover in everybody;
we are but instruments in Your hands.
We move as You make us move;
we speak as You make us speak.
But the restless Kamalakanta gently chides You, saying,
‘Mother, the Destroyer of all, holding Your sword,
now You have devoured both my virtue and vice!’
If I die uttering, ‘Victory to Kali, victory to Kali!’
I shall assuredly attain Shivahood.
Then what is the use of going to Benares?
Infinite are my Mother Kali’s forms.
Who can find the end of Kali?
Knowing a little of Her greatness,
Shiva lies prostrate at Her red-hued feet.
---by Kamalakanta

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Let Nothing Upset You

Let nothing upset you,
let nothing startle you.
All things pass;
God does not change.
Patience wins
all it seeks.
Whoever has God
lacks nothing:
God alone is enough.

---by St Teresa Avila

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Representing Bhairava

jayati vyomakesho .asau yaH sargAya bibharti tAM
aindavI shirasA lekhAM jagad bIjA~NkurAkR^itim ||
Victorious is he whose hair fills the space (vyomakesha), who for the emitted worlds (sarga) bears with his head the lunar crescent which is like the embryo in the seed which is the universe.

Shiva is beyond all forms and at the same time, he reflects an infinite number of them, dreadful and benevolent. The terrifying forms are  associated with his role as a destroyer. So, Bhairava, the fierce form of Shiva, has a terrible and often contradictory iconography. As the Shiva's form of terror and transcendency, his image is an integral part of an attempt to reflect, at least partially, the highest reality. Bhairava's physical description is controversial because neither of image can personify the mystery of Shiva.
The dichotomy of goodness and terrible form of Shiva is also reflected in Bhairava. He is Kshetrapala and Vatuka at the same time. Every of these two principal forms can be similarly divided into three forms each: sattvika, rajasa and tamasika. The Lingapurana and the Skandapurana tell us how Shiva took the form of a child to suckle from Kala's breasts her anger that was frightening the gods.
In the Lingapurana, the boy then takes eight different forms to protect the holy places. In the Skandapurana, the boy creates from his mouth sixty-four more children, sixty-four kshetrapalas, to pacify the fear of the gods. In their protective function, twenty-five of them will remain in the skies, twenty-five others in the infernal regions and the remaining fourteen on the earth.These sixty-four Kырetrapфlas can be equated with the sixty-four Bhairavas who, when brought to their eight main forms, have a protective function. The names of these sixty-four Bhairavas led by eight leaders (described here).
They are Asithanga, Ruru, Chanda, Krodha, Unmatta, Kapala, Bhishana and Samhara Bhairava. Eight Bhairava ashtakam  describes in detail their iconography.
These Ashtabhairavas are very similar and we understand that they are only the eight-fold manifestation of Bhairava, and with the Ashtamatrikas, the main thing is their function as protecting guardians. In the Skandapurana, these eight Bhairavas, who protect dharma and people, live in the eight regions and have to be honoured with zeal in order to remove the great obstacles. They protect particularly the town of Kashi, their weapons brandished in all four directions.
So we see that the different images are a reflection of functions of one force. And they are purely symbolic and functional. In general, the Bhairava myth gave birth to some principal iconographic forms: Bhairava cutting the head of Brahma, Bhairava as beggar wandering from place to place in the course of his penance and Bhairav as skeleton incarnating Time and Death.
In most parts of India, Bhairava is generally represented as standing, naked, very often accompanied by a dog, his vahana, who jumps to his left when the god carries the severed head in addition to the kapàla in his lower left hand.
Bhairava often has four arms, with the trident and sword in the right hands, and damaru and kapala plus a severed head in his left hands. But he can also have six, eight or more arms, though rarely.
He is adorned with bells and snakes; he wears a garland made of skulls or with ornamental pattern; a naga is generally coiled around his thighs. Details may be varied. But every detail has a deep symbolic meaning and each can be the subject of a separate investigation. These images, however, does not depict the extremely complex nature of this divinity but it can reveal to us some of the faces of this multifaceted divine figure.
For example, Bhairava's image at the Durbar Square in Kathmandu depicts him as standing upon a corpse with flaming hair what symbolizes his fiery nature.
Or the most symbolic image, the yantra, can provide a focus on the inner vision of the deity, illustrating the esoteric point of view of the union of the opposites, of the principle of non-duality.
One could ask oneself why this particular form of Shiva has generated so many varied representations. What is it that characterizes this figure and gives it such an importance in comparison with other terrible forms of the god?
It is clear that such a number of forms tries to describe the universal nature of Bhairava. This attempt  can be extended from our personal to universal space. Bhairava can be the destroyer of our ignorance, of illusion when we have our personal "decapitation". Interpretation in the yogic sense can grow with your experience, For example, the skull with nectar can be associated with bhairavAchara ( khechari mudra) etc...
At the same time, the hair of Bhairava (in the title quote of this post) would evoke the imagery of the lines of force fields filling the Universe and remind of the approach of Pralaya. Despite the seemingly catastrophic sense, the destruction is also a divine grace. The annihilation of the world is a necessary prelude to its recreation. Bhairava as destructor is terrible, but he fulfills the divine work, and he finds his place in the cosmic sacrifice. Bhairava does the work of purification for the creatures with his fire and this sacrifice is necessary for those who are waiting the new beginning.

 OM Bhairavaya Namah

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Is Shyama Really Black?

Is my black Mother Syama really black?
People say Kali is black,
but my heart doesn’t agree.
If She’s black,
how can She light up the world?
Sometimes my Mother is white,
sometimes yellow, blue, and red.
I cannot fathom Her.
My whole life has passed
She is Matter,
then Spirit,
then complete Void.

It’s easy to see
how Kamalakanta
     thinking these things
went crazy.

 ---by Kamalakanta (1769–1821)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Calling all Angels

Song from the movie "Pay It Forward"(2000).
Written and Performedy by Jane Siberry.

Oh, a man is placed upon the steps, a baby cries
High above, you can hear the church bells start to ring
And as the heaviness, oh the heaviness, the body settles in
Somewhere you could hear, a mother sing

Then it's one foot then the other as you step out on the road
Step out on the road, how much weight, how much weight?
Then it's how long and how far and how many times
Oh, before it's too late?

Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
Walk me through this one, don't leave me alone
Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
We're trying, we're hoping, but we're not sure how

Oh, and every day you gaze upon the sunset
With such love and intensity
Why, it's ah, it's almost as if you crack the code
You'd finally understand what this all means

Oh, but if you could, do you think you would
Trade it all, all the pain and suffering?
Oh, but then you would've missed the beauty of
The light upon this earth and the sweetness of the leaving

Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
Walk me through this one, don't leave me alone
Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
We're trying, we're hoping, but we're not sure why

Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
Walk me through this one, walk me through this one
Don't leave me alone

Calling all Angels, calling all Angels
We're trying, we're hoping, we're hurting, we're loving
We're crying, we're calling
'Cause we're not sure how this goes...

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Pilgrim Sees No Form

The pilgrim sees no form but His and knows
That He subsists beneath all passing shows --
The pilgrim comes from Him whom he can see,
Lives in Him, with Him, and beyond all three.
Be lost in Unity's inclusive span,
Or you are human but not yet a man.
Whoever lives, the wicked and the blessed,
Contains a hidden sun within his breast --
Its light must dawn though dogged by long delay;
The clouds that veil it must be torn away --
Whoever reaches to his hidden sun
Surpasses good and bad and knows the One.
The good and bad are here while you are here;
Surpass yourself and they will disappear.

---by Farid ud-Din Attar

Wednesday, November 25, 2015



Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Amogha Shiva Kavacha

AUM brahmaR^iShaye namaH shirasi | anuShTup Chandase namaH\, mukhe |
shrIsadAshivarudradevatAya namaH hR^idi | hrIM shaktaye namaH pAdayoH |
vaM kIlakAya namaH nAbhau | shrI hrIM klImiti bIjAya namaH guhye |
viniyogAya namaH\, sarvA~Nge |

atha karanyAsaH
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM hrIM rAM
sarvashaktidhAnme IshAnAtmane a~NguShThAbhyAM namaH |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM naM rIM
nityatR^iptidhAme tatpuruShAtmane tarjanIbhyAM svAhA |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM maM rUM
anAdishaktidhAnme aghorAtmane madhyamAbhyAM vaShaT |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM shiM raiM
svatantrashaktidhAnme vAmadevAtmane anAbhikAbhyAM hum |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM vA rauM
aluptashaktidhAnme sadyojAtAtmane kaniShThakAbhyAM vauShaT |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM yaM raH
anAdishaktidhAnme sarvAtmane karatalakarapR^iShThAbhyAM phaT |
|| hR^idayAdya~NganyAsaH ||
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM hrIM rAM
sarvashaktidhAnme IshAnAtmane hR^idayAya namaH |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM naM rIM
nityatR^iptidhAnme tatpuruShAtmane shirase svAhA |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM maM rUM
anAdishaktidhAnme aghorAtmane shikhAya vaShaT |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM shiM raiM
svatantrashaktidhAnme vAmadevAtmane kavachAya hum |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM vAM rauM
aluptashaktidhAnme sadyojAtAtmane netratrayAya vauShaT |
AUM namo bhagavate jvalajjvAlAmaline AUM yaM raH
anAdishaktidhAnme sarvAtmane astrAya phaT |
atha dhyAnam
vajradaMShTraM trinayanaM kAlakaNThamariMdamam |
sahasrakaramapyugraM vande shambhumumApatim |


namaskR^itya mahAdeva.n vishvavyApinamIshvaram |

vakShye shivamaya.n varma
sarvarakShAkara.n nR^iNAm || 1||
shuchau deshe samAsIno yathAvatkalpitAsanaH |
jitendriyo jitaprANashchintayecChivamavyam || 2||
hatpuNDarIkAntarasa.nniviShTa.n svatejasA vyAptanabho.avakAsham |
atIndriya.n sUkShmamanantamAdya.n dhyAyet parAnandamayaM mahesham || 3||
dhyAnAvadhUtAkhilakarmabandhashchira.n chidAndanimagnachetAH |
ShaDakSharanyAsasamAhitAtmA shaivena kuryAt kavachena rakShAm || 4||
mA.n pAtu devo.akhiladevatAtmA
sa.nsArakUpe patita.n gabhIre |
tannAma divya.n varamantramUla.n dhunotu me sarvamagha.n hR^idistham || 5||
sarvatra mA.n rakShatu vishvamUrtirjyotirmyAnandaghanashchidAtmA |
aNoraNIyAnurushaktirekaH sa IshvaraH pAtu bhayAdasheShAt ||
yo bhUsvarUpeNa bibharti vishva.n pAyAt sa bhUmergirisho.aShTamUrtiH |
yo.apA.n svarUpeNa nR^iNA.n karoti sa~njIvana.n so.avatu mA.n jalebhyaH || 7||
kalpAvasAne bhuvanAni dagdhvA
sarvANi yo nR^ityati bhUrilIlaH |
sa kAlarudro.avatu mA.n davAgnervAtyAdibhIterakhilAchcha tApAt || 8||
pradIptavidyutkanakAvabhAso vidyAvarAbhItikuThArapANiH |
chaturmukhastatpuruShastrinetraH prAchyA.n sthita.n rakShatu mAmajastram || 9||
kuThAravedA~NkushapAshashUlakapAlaDhakkAkShaguNAn dadhAnaH |
chaturmukho nIlaruchistrinetraH pAyAdaghoro dishi dakShiNasyAm || 10||
kude.nndusha~NkhasphaTikAvabhAso vedAkShamAlAvaradAbhayA~NkaH |
tryakShashchaturvaktra uruprabhAvaH sadyo.adhijAto.avatu mA.n pratIchAm || 11||
varAkShamAlAbhayaTa~NkahastaH sarojaki~njalkasamAnavarNaH |
trilochanashchAruchaturmukho mA.n pAyAdudicyA.n dishi vAmadevaH || 12||
vedAbhayeShTA~NkushapAshaTa~Nka kapAlaDhakkAkShashUlapANiH |
sitadyutiH pa~nchamukho.avatAnmA mIshAna Urdhva.n paramaprakAshaH || 13||
mUrddhAnamavyAnmama cha.ndramaulirbhAlaM mamAvyAdatha bhAlanetraH |
netre mamAvyAd bhaganetrahArI nAsA.n sadA rakShatua vishvanAthaH || 14||
pAyAchChutI me shrutigItakIrtiH
kapolamavyAt satata.n kapAlI |
vaktra.n sadA rakShatu pa~nchavaktro jihvA.n sadA rakShatu vedajivhaH || 15||
kaNTha.n girIsho.avatu nIlakaNThaH paNidvaya.n pAtu pinAkapANiH |
dormUlamavyAnmama dharmabAhurvakShaHsthala.n dakShamakhAntako.avyAt ||
mamodara.n pAtu girIndradhanvA madhyaM mamAvyAnmadanAntakArI |
herambatAto mama pAtu nAbhi.n pAyAt kaTI dhUrjaTirIshvaro me || 17||
Urudvaya.n pAtu kuberamitro jAnudvayaM me jagadIshvaro.avyAt |
ja~NghAyuga.n pu~NgavaketuravyAt pAdau mamAvyAt suravandyapAdaH|| 
maheshvaraH pAtu dinAdiyAme mAM madhyayAme.avatu vAmadevaH |
triyambakaH pAtu tR^itIyayAme vR^iShadhvajaH pAtu dinAntyayAme ||
pAyAnnishAdau shashishekharo mA.n ga~NgAdharo rakShatu mA.n nishIthe |
gaurIpatiH pAtu nishAva.nsAne mR^ityu~njayo rakShatu sarvakAlam ||
antaHsthita.n rakShatu sha~Nkaro mA.n sthANuH sadA pAtu bahiHsthitaM mAm |
tadantare pAtu patiH pashUnA.n sadAshivo rakShatu mA.n samantAt || 21||
tiShThantamavyAdbhuvanaikanAthaH pAyAt vrajanta.n pramathAdhinAthaH |
vedAntavedyo.avatu mA.n niShaNNaM mAmavyayaH pAtu shivaH shayAnam || 22||
mArgeShu mA.n rakShatu nIlakaNThaH shailAdidurgeShu puratrayAriH |
araNyavAsAdimahApravAse pAyAnmR^igavyAdha
udArashaktiH || 23||
kalpAntakATopapaTuprakopaH sphuTATTahAsochchalitANDakoshaH |
ghorArisenArNavadurnivAra mahAbhayAd rakShatu vIrabhadraH || 24||
pattyashvamAta~NgaghaTAvarUtha sahasralakShAyutakoTibhIShaNam |
akShauhiNInA.n shatamAtatAyinA.n ChindyAnmR^iDo ghorakuThAradhArayA || 25||
nihantu dasyUn pralayAnalArchirjvalat trishUla.n
tripurAntakasya |
shArdUlasi.nharkShavR^ikAdihi.nstrAn santrAsayatvIshadhanuH pinAkam || 26||
durbhikShadurvyasanadussahaduryashA.nsi |
utpAtatApaviShabhItimasad grahArti\-
vyAdhI.nshcha nAshayatu me jagatAmadhIshaH || 27||

AUM namo bhagavate sadAshivAya
sakalatatvavihArAya sakalalokaikakatre
sakalalokakaikahatre sakalalokakaikagurave
sakalanigamaguhyAya sakalavarapradAya
sakalalokaikasha~NkarAya shashA~NkashekharAya
shAshvata nijAbhAsAya nirguNAya
nirupamAya nIrUpAya nirAbhAsAya
nirAmAya niShprapa~njAya niShkala~NkAya
nirdvandvAya nissa~NgAya
nirmalAya nirgamAya nityarUpavibhavAya
nirupamavibhavAya nirAdhArAya

jaya jaya mahArudra mahAraudra bhadrAvatAra duHkhadAvadAraNa
mahAbhairava kAlabhairava kalpAntabhairava kapAlamAlAdhara
bhIShaNakara sahasramukha da.nShTrAkarAla
vikaTATTahAsavisphAritabrahmANDamaNDalanAgendrakuNDala nAgendrahAra
nAgendravalaya nAgendracharmadhara mR^ityu~njaya tryambaka
tripurAntaka virUpAkSha vishveshvara vishvarupa vR^iShabhavAhana
viShabhUShaNa vishvatomukha sarvato rakSha rakSha mA.n jvala jvala
mahAmR^ityubhayamapamR^ityubhaya.n nAshaya nAshaya viShasarpabhaya.n
shamaya shamaya chorabhayaM mAraya mAraya mama shatrUnuchchATayochchATaya
shUlena vidarAya vidAraya kha~Ngena Chindhi Chindhi khaTvA~Ngena
vipothaya vipothaya musalena niShpeShaya niShpeShaya bANai santADaya
santADaya rakShA.nsi bhIShaya bhIShaya bhUtAni vidrAvaya vidrAvaya
kUShmANDavetAlamArIgaNabrahmarAkShasAn santrAsaya santrAsaya mAmabhaya.n
kuru kuru vitrastaM mAmAshvAsayAshvAsaya narakabhayAnmAmuddharoddhAraya
sa~njIvaya sa~njIvaya kShuttR^iDbhyA.n mAmApyAyayApyAyaya duHkhAturaM
mAmAnandayAnandaya shivakavachena mAmAchChAdayAchChAdaya tryambaka sadAshiva
namaste namaste namaste |

R^iShabha uvAcha

ityetatkavachaM shaivaM varadaM vyAhR^itaM mayA |
sarvabAdhAprashamanaM rahasyaM sarvadehinAm || 28||
yaH sadA dhArayenmartyaH shaivaM kavachamuttamam |
na tasya jAyate kvApi bhayaM shambhoranugrahAt || 29||
kShINAyurmR^ityumApanno mahArogahato.api vA |
sadyaH sukhamavApnoti dIrghamAyushcha vindati || 30||
sarvadAridryashamanaM sauma~Ngalyavivardhanam |
yo dhatte kavachaM shaivaM sa devairapi pUjyate || 31||
mahApAtakasa~NghAtairmuchyate chopapAtakaiH |
dehAnte shivamApnoti shivavarmAnubhAvataH || 32||
tvamapi shraddhayA vatsa shaivaM kavachamuttamam |
dhArayasva mayA dattaM sadyaH shreyo hyavApsyasi || 33||

iti shrIskAnde mahApurANe ekAshItisAhasrayA.n tR^itIye brahmottarakhaNDe amoghashivakavacha.n sampUrNam |

Monday, November 23, 2015

OM Shiva

om shiva om shiva paraatparaa shiva
omkaaraa shiva tava sharaNam

namaami shankara bhajaami shankara
umaa maheshvara tava sharaNam

gouree shankara shambho shankara
saamba sadaashiva tava sharaNam

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Gazing at the Great Mount

To what shall I compare
The Sacred Mount that stands,
A balk of green that hath no end,
Betwixt two lands!
Nature did fuse and blend
All mystic beauty there,
Where Dark and Light
Do dusk and dawn unite.

Gazing, soul-cleansed, at Thee
From clouds upsprung, one may
Mark with wide eyes the homing flight
Of birds. Some day
Must I thy topmost height
Mount, at one glance to see
Hills numberless
Dwindle to nothingness.

 ---by Du Fu (712–770)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Return Within

Poem by Swami Abhishiktananda (1910 - 1973). Born Henri Le Saux, he was a French monk who, having moved to India in 1948, adopted sannyasa in accordance with Indian tradition. His meetings with the famous Advaitin sage Ramana Maharshi led him to profound advaitic experience as well as to final recognition of the truth of advaita during the last years of his life.

Return within,
to the place where there is nothing,
and take care that nothing comes in.
Penetrate to the depths of yourself,
to the place where thought no longer exists,
and take care that no thought arises there!
There where nothing exists,
There where nothing is seen,
the Vision of Being!
There where nothing appears any longer,
the sudden appearing of the Self!
Dhyana is this!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Knock on the Sky

Knock on the sky and  listen to the sound!       

--- Zen Proverb

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Faith Has Eyes

By Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)

 Faith has eyes. It has three eyes. The seer who is looking at the world from the perspective of monistic Saiva Siddhanta and sees clearly the final conclusions for all mankind has faith in his perception, because what he sees and has seen becomes stronger in his mind as the years go by. We have the faith of those who have two eyes upraised. They look at the seer as Dakshinamurti, God Himself, and gain strength from His every word. There is also the faith of those who have two eyes lowered. They are reading the scriptures, the teachings of all the seers, and building the aura of faith within their inner psyche. Then there are those who have faith with their eyes closed, blind faith. They know not, read not and are not thinking, but are entranced by the spiritual leader in whom they have faith as a personality. They are nodding their head up and down on his every word and when questioned are not able to adequately explain even one or two of his profound thoughts.

And then we have the others, who make up much of the world population today. They are also with eyes closed, but with heads down, shaking left and right, left and right. They see mostly the darker side of life. They are those who have no faith at all or suffer a semi-permanent loss of faith, who are disappointed in people, governments, systems, philosophies, religions. Their leaders they condemn. This is a sorry lot. Their home is the halls of depression, discouragement and confusion. Their upliftment is jealousy and anger.
 Some people have faith only when things are going right and lose faith when things go wrong. These are the ones who are looking up at their leaders, whom they really do not know, who are looking up at the scriptures, which they really do not understand. Because their eyes are closed, they are seeking to be sustained and constantly uplifted by others. "Do my sadhana for me" is their plea. And when some inconsistency arises or some expectation, unbeknownst to their leader and maybe never even recorded in the scriptures, does not manifest, a crisis of faith occurs. Then, more than often, they are off to another leader, another philosophy, to inevitably repeat the same experience. Devotees of this kind, who are called "groupies" in rock and roll, go from group to group, teacher to teacher, philosophy to philosophy. Fortunately for them, the rent is not expensive, the bhajanas are long and the food is good. The only embarrassing situation, which has to be manipulated, is the tactic of leaving one group without totally closing the door, and manipulatively opening the door of another group.

 When that uplifted face with eyes closed has the spiritual experience of the eyes opening, the third eye flashing, he or she would have then found at last his or her sampradaya, traditional lineage of verbal teaching, and now be on the unshakable path. The molecules of faith have been converted and secured. They shall never turn back, because they have seen through the third eye the beginning and ending of the path, the traditional lineage ordained to carry them forth generation after generation. These souls become the articulate ones, masters of the philosophy. Their faith is so strong, they can share their molecules with others and mold others' faith molecules into traditional standards of the whys and wherefores that we all need on this planet, of how we should believe and think, where we go when we die, and all the eternal truths of the ultimate attainments of mankind.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Diwali!

Lakshmi Mala Mantra

|| dhyaanam ||
om vande lakshmeem parishivamayeem shuddha jaamboonadaabhaam |
tejoroopaam kanakavaasaam sarvabhooshojjvalaangeem ||
beejaapuram kanaka kalashah hemapadmam dadhaanaamaadyaam |
shaktim bhuktim sakalajananeem vishNuvaamaanga samsthaam
sharaNam tvaam prapannosmi mahaalakshmee haripriye |
prasaadam kuru deveshi mayi dushTeparaadhini || 3 ||
koTikandarpa laavaNyaam soundaryaika svaroopataam |
sarvamangala maangalyaam shreeraamaam sharaNam vraje ||

|| lakshmee maalaa mantra ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem namo vishNuvallabhaayai mahaamaayaayai kam kham
gam gham na namaste namaste maam paahi paahi raksha raksha dhanam dhaanyam
shriyam samruddhi dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem namo jagajjananyai vaatsalyanidhaye cham Cham jam
jham nam namaste namaste maam paahi paahi raksha raksha shriyam pratishThaam
vaaksiddhi me dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa || 2 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem siddhisevitaayai sakalaabheeshTa daana deekshitaayai
Tam Tham Dam Dham Nam namaste namaste maam paahi paahi raksha raksha
sarvato&bhayam dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem namah
siddhidaatryai mahaa achintyashaktikaayai tam
tham dam dham nam namaste namaste maam
paahi paahi raksha raksha me
sarvaabheeshTa siddhim dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa || 4 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem namo vaanChita poorikaayai sarvasiddhi
moolabhootaayai pam pham bam bham mam namaste namaste maam paahi paahi raksha raksha me manovaanChitaam sarvaarthabhootaam siddhi dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa || 5 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem kamale kamalaalaye mahyam praseeda praseeda
mahaalakshmee tubhyam namo namaste jagaddhitaayai yam ram lam vam sham sham
sa ham ksham namaste namaste maam paahi paahi raksha raksha me
vashyaakarshaNa mohana stambhanocchaaTanataaDana achintya shaktivaibhavam
dehi dehi shreem shriyai namah svaahaa || 6 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
dhaatryai namah svaahaa || 7 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem shreem
beejaroopaayai namah svaahaa || 8 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
vishNuvallabhaayai namah svaahaa || 9 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
siddhyai namah svaahaa || 10 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
buddhyai namah svaahaa || 11 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
dhrutyai namah svaahaa || 12 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
matyai namah svaahaa || 13 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
kaantyai namah svaahaa || 14 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
shaanttyai namah svaahaa || 15 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
sarvatobhadraaya roopaayai namah svaahaa || 16 ||
om shreem hreem aim kleem
shriyai namah svaahaa || 17 ||
om namo bhagavati brahmaadi vedamaatah vedodbhave vedagarbhe sarvashakti shiromaNe shreem harivallabhe mamaabheeshTam pooraya pooraya maam siddhibhaajanam kuru kuru amrutam kuru kuru abhayam kuru kuru sarva kaaryeshu jvala jvala prajvala prajvala me suta shaktim deepaya deepaya mamaahitaan naashaya naashaya asaadhya kaaryam saadhaya saadhaya hreem hreem hreem glaum glaum shreem shriye namah svaahaa || 18 ||

|| iti lakshmee maalaa mantrah 108 japam kuryaat ||

Kamala Stotram

From Praise-Song for the Lotus Goddess (Kamala Stotram)

Sri Parameshwara Uvacha
Lord Shiva tells
Omkara roopini devi Vishudha sathva roopini,
Devanaam Janani, thwam hi prasanna bhava sundari.
Oh pretty goddess who has the form of OM, Who has the very pure form being, and Who is the Mother of devas,
please become pleased with me.
Thanmathram chaiva bhoothani thava vaksha sthalam smrutham,
Thwameva Veda gamya thu, prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty Goddess the subtle elements only remind me of your chest, and You can be only approached through Vedas,
please become pleased with me.
Deva Dhanava Gandharva, Yaksha Rakshasa Kinnara,
Sthooyase thwam sadaa Lakshmi, prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Lokaatheethaa daivathatheethaa samastha bhootha veshtithaa,
Vidwat jana keerthithaa cha, Prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are beyond the worlds, beyond Gods and covered with all beings, You are being sung about by great scholars,
please become pleased with me.
Paripoornaa, sadaa Lakshmi, traathri thu saranathishu,
Viswaadhyaa, viswakarthri cha prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh Pretty one, Who is complete, Who is always wealthy, Who defends those who seek her Protection, You are primeval of the universe, You are the creator of the universe,
please become pleased with me.
Brahma roopaa cha Savithri thwat deepthyaa bhasathe Jagath,
Viswaroopa varenya cha prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh Pretty one, You have the form of Brahma and the sun and the world shines because of You,
You are the form of the universe, You are the chosen one,
please become pleased with me.
Kshithy ap thejo marud vyoma pancha bhoota roopini,
Bbhandhaadhe karanam tthwam hi pranna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty one, the earth, the water, the fire, the wind and the sky, which are the five elements are your form, and You are the reason for the properties of these elements,
please become pleased with me.
Mahesa thwam Hemavathi Kamala Kesavopi cha,
Brahmana preyasi thwam hi prasanna Bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are the golden lady of Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi of Kesava, and You are the darling of Lord Brahma,
please become pleased with me.
Chandi, Durga, Kalika cha Kaushiki, Sidhi roopini,
Yogini, Yoga gamya cha prasannaa bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are the killer of Chanda, the black one, the unifier, the form of occult powers, the One Who does Yoga, One whom Yogis seek,
please become pleased with me.
Balye cha Balika thwam hi youvane, yuvatheethi cha,
Sthavire vrudha roopa cha prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty one , In child hood you are a girl, in youth You are the lass, and at old age You are a old woman,
please become pleased with me.
Gunamayee, gunatheethaa, aadhya Vidhyaa sanathani,
Mahad thathwa vaadhi samyuktha, prasanna bhava, Sundari
Oh pretty one, who has good qualities, Who is above good qualities, Who is the primeval knowledge, Who is ancient and who is unified with great principles,
please become pleased with me.
Thapasvini, thapa sidhi swarga sidhishta athadhishu,
Chinmayi prakruthisthvam thu prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty one, Who is a sage, Who makes penance effective, Who grants us heaven and wealth, Who has divinely pure thought, You are nature,
please become pleased with me.
Thvam aadhir jagathaam devi, thwameva sthithi karanam,
Thwam anthe nidhanasthanam swechaa chaaraa thwam eva hi.
You the beginning of the world, You are the cause of its upkeep, and at the end You are the place if its destruction and You are one who moves as You please.
Characharaanaam bhoothaanaam bahir antha sthwameva
Vyapyaa avyaka roopena thwam bhasi bhaktha vathsale.
You are inside and outside of all moving and not moving beings You are spread and you have individual form, you shine, Oh Goddess who loves her devotees.
Thwam Maayayaa hrutha ajnaana nashtathmano vichethasaa,
Gathagatham prapadyanthe papa punya vasatha sadaa
It is due to your illusion that beings become ignorant and unconscious, and keep on traveling to and fro due to sin and blessed deeds.
Thvath sathyam Jagatbhathi sukthika rajatham yadhaa,
Yavanna jnayathe jnanam chethasaa naanva gamini.
Jut like the world which appears to be truth and worthless thing appearing like silver is understood to be a mere illusion when we understand your form.
Thwad jnathu sadaa yukthaa puthra dhara grahaadhishu,
Ramanthe vishayaan sarvaaaananthe dukha pradaan druvam.
He who knows you and is always interested in enjoying pleasures out of son, wife, home and others, would only experience sorrow at the end of everything.
Thwad aajnayaa thy devesi, gagane soorya mandalam,
Chandrascha bramathe nithyam, prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, due to your order, oh Queen of the devas, the sun, the moon and the planets move around the sky daily,
please become pleased with me.
Brahmesa Vishnu Janani, Brahmaakhyaa Brahma samasrayaa,
Vyaktha avyaktha cha devesi, Prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are the mother of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, you order the Brahma, You Make Brahma act and oh Queen of devas, You are clear as well as not clear,
please become pleased with me.
Achalaa sarvagaa thwam hi, mayyatheethaa maheswari,
Shivaathmaa saswathaa nithyaa, prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one,You are stable and you are everywhere,
You are above illusion, You are the greatest Goddess,
You are soul of Shiva, you are permanent, You are forever,
please become pleased with me.
Sarva kaya niyanthri cha Sarva bhootheswari.
Ananthaa nishkalaa thwam hi prasanna bhava, Sundari.
Oh pretty one, Who controls bodies of all beings,
Who is the goddess of all beings, You are the endless one,
You are stainless one, please become pleased with me.
Sarveswari, Sarva vandhyaa, Achithya, Paramaathmika,
Bukthi mukthi pradhaa thwam hi Prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one who is goddess of all,
Who is saluted by all, Who is above thought,
Who is the divine soul, Who grants wealth and salvation,
please become pleased with me.
Brahmani Brahma loke thwam Vaikunte SArva mangala,
Indrani amaraavathaam ambika varunalaye.
You are Brahmani in land of Brahma,
You are the giver of auspiciousness in Vaikunta,
You are Indrani in Amaravathi and in land of Varuna you are Ambika.
Yamalaye Kaala roopa, Khubera bhavane Shubhaa,
Maha nandaa Agnikone cha Prasanna bhava Sundari.
In the land of Yama you have form of death, in home of Khubera
You are Shubhaa, in the corner of Agni You are giver of auspiciousness,
please become pleased with me.
Nairuthyaam Raktha Danthaa, thwam Vayavyaam Mruga Vahini,
Patale Vaishnavi roopa, prasanna Bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one In South west you are Raktha Dantha (bloody toothed) and in North west You are one who rides on deer, in the land below you are Vaishnavi,
please become pleased with me.
Surasaa thwam mani dveepe, Isanyam soola dharini,
Bhadrakali cha Lankaayaam, Prasanna bhava, Sundari
Oh pretty one, in the island of gem you are Surasaa,
in north east you are one who holds the spear,
in the city of Lanka, You are Bhadrakali,
please become pleased with me.
Rameswari Sethu Bhandhe, Simhale Deva Mohini,
Vimalaa thwam cha Srikshethre, Prasanna Bhava Sundari
Oh Pretty one on the bridge to Lanka You are Goddess of Rama, in Lanka island you are bewitcher of devas, in the land of Goddess Lakshmi she is Vimala,
please become pleased with me.
Kalikaa thwam Kalighate, Kamakhya Neela parvathe,
Virajaa oudra dese thwam prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, in the Kalighat
You are Kalika and in Gauhathi(blue mountain),
You are Kamakhyaa, in the Oudra desa You are Viraajaa,
please become pleased with me.
Varanasyam Annapurna, Ayodhyaam Maheswari,
Gayasuri Gaya dhamni, Prasanna Bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, you are Annapurni in Benares,
You are Maheswari in Ayodhya, You are Gayasuri in the resting place of Gaya,
please become pleased with me.
Bhadrakali Kuru kshethre, kathyayani Vruje,
Mahamaya Dwarakaayaam, Prasanna Bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, you are Bhadra Kali in Kurukshethra, in Vruja desa you are Kathyayani, in Dwaraka you are Mahamaya,
please become pleased with me.
Kshudhaa thwam sarva jeevaanaam, vela cha sagarasya hi,
Maheswari Madhuraayaam cha prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are hunger in all beings, You are the tide of the sea, in Mathura you are the greatest Goddess,
please become pleased with me.
Ramasya Janaki thwam cha Shivasya Mana Mohini,
Dakshasya duhithaa chaiva prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one,You are Sita of Rama, You are bewitcher of the mind of Lord Shiva, You are the daughter of Daksha, please become pleased with me.
Vishnu Bhakthi pradhaam thwam cha Kamsasura vinasini,
Ravana naasinaam chaiva, prasanna bhava Sundari.
Oh pretty one, You are the one who gives devotion to Vishnu, You are the one who destroyed Kamsasura, You are the destroyer of Ravana,
please become pleased by me.

Lakshmi stotram idham punyam padeth Bhakthi samyutha,
Sarva jwara bhayam nasyedh, sarva vyadhi nivaaranam
If this auspicious prayer addressed to Lakshmi is read with devotion, fear for all fevers would be destroyed and it will cure all diseases.
Idham sthothram Maha punyam aapad udhara karanam,
Trisandhyameka sandhyaam vaa ya padeth sathatham nara.
Muchyathe sarva paapebhyo thadhaa thu sarva sankataan,
Muchyathe nathra sandeho bhuvi swarge rasathale.
This prayer which is greatly auspicious is the cause for lifting us from dangers, if read by man either at dawn noon or dusk or one of these times always. It would save you from all sins and also from all sort of sorrows, hHe would definitely without doubt be saved either in earth, heaven and Patala.
Samastham cha thadha chaikam ya padeth bhakthi thathpara,
Sa sarva dushkaram theerthwaa labhathe paramam gathim.
Sukhadham mokshadham stotram ya padeth Bhakthi samyuktha,
Sa thu koti theertha phalam prapnothi nathra samsaya.
He who reads the entire prayer or at least one stanza of prayer with devotion, all his difficulties would be solved and in the end he would get salvation. He who reads this pleasure gving stotra which also leads him to salvation. Would without any doubt get the effect of taking bath in a crore sacred waters.
Yekaa devi Kamala yasmin santhushtaa bhaved sadaa,
Thasyaad asadhyam na devesi naasthi kinchid jagathraye.
To him , on whom this one Goddess Kamala is pleased, due to her blessings would not find anything impossible to do in the world.
Padanath api stotrasya kim na sidhyathi bhoothale,
Thasmad stotra varam proktham sathyam hi Parvathi.
Oh Parvathi, there is nothing impossible for a man who reads this prayer, and that is why I told you about this greatest prayer, this is the truth.

Ithi Kamala Stotram Sampoornam.

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namaha