Sunday, July 29, 2012

Spiritual friendship

Angelos Akotantos The Embrace of the Apostles Peter and Paul 

The friend in general can be defined as the other half of myself, indeed another "I". But the spiritual friendship is shined by eternal light of supreme Love and consequently I consider these relations as one of the higher displays of human spirit. When these relations are consecrated by identical aspiration to the higher, you become as two mirrors reflecting each other and these reflexions are lost in Infinity. The perfect meeting with the Infinite is eternally within ourselves. We listen the words of each other as revelation told to ourselves. It is like taste having a taste of itself. In such mirror we start to see real self. Certainly, if we do not start to deform the images and the rupture can occur then. When a rupture occurs, it as something is broken off in we wounding it with spiritual pain. In my case it has caused a deep dissonance with myself on all levels: physical , mental, psychological... And this rupture was more serious as it was a spiritual one.  For some time we have lost contact with the divine vibration that drove us towards our deep spirituality. Certainly it has occurred because of our imperfections . Otherwise it could not happen. As wrote Michelangelo :

If there is a chaste love, a heavenly pity,
an equal fortune between two lovers,
a bitter fate shared by both,
and if a single spirit and one will governs two hearts;
if one soul in two bodies is made eternal,
raising both to heaven on the same wings;
if love with one blow and one golden arrow
can burn and pierce two hearts to the core;
if each loves the other rather than himself,
with a pleasure and delight so rewarding,
that to the same end they both strive;
if thousands upon thousands are not worth a hundredth
part of such a loving bond of such a faith;
then shall anger alone break and dissolve it?

But after you have let someone in open self it is impossible to stop it. And till now I place my friend in an inner sanctum of my heart. How it is possible to betray the force which united us?
Unless all of us are divided now? Really?

Jñânadev says: You and I are one, without name or form; we are identical to the one blissful Existence in whom the blessed merge.

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