Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shanti in the Universe

Shanti mantra from TaittirIya AraNyaka (42:4)

pRthivI SAntiH antarikshaM SAntiH
dyAuS SAntiH diSaS SAntiH
avAntaraiSAS SAntiH agniS SAntiH
vAyuS SAntiH AdityaS SAntiH
candramAS SAntiH nakshatrANi SAntiH
ApaS SAntiH oSadhayaS SAntiH
vanaspatayaS SAntiH gauS SAntiH
ajA SAntiH ashvaS SAntiH
purushaS SAntiH brAhmaNaS SAntiH
SAntireva SAntiH SAntirme astu SAntiH
tayA'haM SAntyA sarva SAntyA
mahyam dvipade catushpade ca
SAntiM karomi
SAntirme astu SAntiH
May peace reign on earth -
Peace in the atmosphere
Peace in the all-pervading region -
Peace in the (spatial) quarters
Peace to the intermediate deities - Peace in Fire
Peace in the Winds - Peace in the Sun
Peace in the Moon - Peace among the Stars
Peace in the Waters - Peace in the Plants
Peace in the Woods - Peace in the cattle
Peace in the goats - Peace in the Horses
Peace in Humanity - Peace in who realize Brahman
Peace, Peace, may Peace there be!
May that Peace be in me, the Peace in All
In bipeds and in quadrupeds
I affirm that Peace
May only Peace dwell in me

Om SAntiH  SAntiH  SAntiH

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