Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sri Arunachala

From Sri Arunachala Aksharamanamalai of Sri Ramana Maharshi:

"Mukti Ninaikka varul Arunachalam' - 'Arunachala, the mere thought of which bestows liberation'. "

"O Arunachala, you root out the ego of those who think of you in the heart as ''Arunachala'
By seeing Chidambaram, by being born, in Tiruvarur, by dying in Kasi, or by merely thinking of Arunachala, one will surely attain Liberation. "

"The supreme knowledge (Self-knowledge), the import of Vedanta, which cannot be attained without great difficulty, can easily be attained by anyone who sees the form of this hill from wherever it is visible or who even thinks of it by mind from afar.
Though he is truly motionless by nature, in the court [of Chidambaram] Lord Siva dances before Sakti, thereby making her motionless. But know that [in Tiruvannamalai] Lord Arunachala shines triumphant, that Sakti having merged in his motionless form."

Arunachala Giri Valam - Circling the Holy Arunachala Hill

Circling the Arunachala Hill is the most potent spiritual practice. Since Arunachala is Shiva Himself, every view of Arunachala is a unique Shiva darshan that is imbued with its own unique spiritual potencies.

"The whole hill is sacred. It is Siva himself. Just as we identify ourselves with a body, so Siva has chosen to identify himself with his hill. Arunachala is pure wisdom (jnana) in the form of a hill. It is out of compassion to those who seek him that he has chosen to reveal himself in the form of a hill visible to the eye. The seeker will obtain guidance and solace by staying near this hill. "

Nothing is mine
Everything is yours
O Merciful Lord! Arunachala!


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