Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mahishasura Mardini Stotra

1. ayi girinandini nanditamedini vishvavinodini nandanute
girivara vindhya shirodhinivAsini viShNuvilAsini jiShNunute
bhagavati heshitikaNThakuTuMbini bhUri kuTuMbini bhUri k.rte
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
2.suravaravarShiNi durdharadharShiNi durmukhamarShiNi harSharate
tribhuvanapoShiNi shaN^karatoShiNi kilbiShamoShiNi ghoSharate  
danuja niroShiNi ditisuta roShiNi durmada shoShiNi sindhusute
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
3.ayi jagadaMba madaMba kadaMba vanapriya vAsini hAsarate
shikhari shiromaNi tuN^ga himAlaya sh.rN^ga nijAlaya madhyagate
madhu madhure madhu kaiTabha ga~njini kai Tabha bha~njini rAsarate
4.jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
ayi shatakhaNDa vikhaNDita ruNDa vituNDita shuNDa gajAdhipate
ripu gaja gaNDa vidAraNa caNDa parAkrama shuNDa m.rgAdhipate
nija bhuja daNDa nipAtita khaNDa vipAtita muNDa bhaTAdhipate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute  
5.ayi raNa durmada shatru vadhodita durdhara nirjara shaktibh.rte
catura vicAra dhurINa mahAshiva dUtak.rta pramathAdhipate
durita durIha durAshaya durmati dAnavadUta k.rtAntamate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
6.ayi sharaNAgata vairi vadhUvara vIra varAbhaya dAyakare
tribhuvana mastaka shUla virodhi shirodhi k.rtAmala shUlakare
dumidumi tAmara dundubhinAda maho mukharIk.rta tigmakare
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
7.ayi nija huN^k.rti mAtra nirAk.rta dhUmra vilocana dhUmra shate
samara vishoShita shoNita bIja samudbhava shoNita bIja late
shiva shiva shuMbha nishuMbha mahAhava tarpita bhUta pishAcarate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
8.dhanuranu saN^ga raNakShaNasaN^ga parisphura daN^ga naTatkaTake
kanaka pishaN^ga p.rShatka niShaN^ga rasadbhaTa sh.rN^ga hatAvaTuke 
k.rta caturaN^ga balakShiti raN^ga ghaTadbahuraN^ga raTadbaTuke
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute  
9.jaya jaya japya jayejaya shabda parastuti tatpara vishvanute
bhaNa bhaNa bhi~njimi bhiN^k.rta nUpura si~njita mohita bhUtapate 
naTita naTArdha naTInaTa nAyaka nATita nATya sugAnarate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
10.ayi sumanaH sumanaH sumanaH sumanaH sumanohara kAntiyute
shrita rajanI rajanI rajanI rajanI rajanIkara vaktrav.rte 
sunayana vibhramara bhramara bhramara bhramara bhramarAdhipate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
11. sahita mahAhava mallama tallika mallita rallaka mallarate
viracita vallika pallika mallika bhillika bhillika varga v.rte 
sitak.rta pullisamulla sitAruNa tallaja pallava sallalite
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
12. avirala gaNDa galanmada medura matta mataN^gaja rAjapate
tribhuvana bhUShaNa bhUta kalAnidhi rUpa payonidhi rAjasute 
ayi suda tIjana lAlasamAnasa mohana manmatha rAjasute
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute
13. kamala dalAmala komala kAnti kalAkalitAmala bhAlalate
sakala vilAsa kalAnilayakrama keli calatkala haMsa kule 
alikula saN^kula kuvalaya maNDala maulimiladbhakulAli kule
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
14. kara muralI rava vIjita kUjita lajjita kokila ma~njumate
milita pulinda manohara gu~njita ra~njitashaila niku~njagate 
nijaguNa bhUta mahAshabarIgaNa sadguNa saMbh.rta kelitale
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
15. kaTitaTa pIta dukUla vicitra mayUkhatirask.rta candra ruce
praNata surAsura maulimaNisphura daMshula sannakha candra ruce 
jita kanakAcala maulipadorjita nirbhara ku~njara kuMbhakuce
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
16. vijita sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraikanute
k.rta suratAraka saN^garatAraka saN^garatAraka sUnusute 
suratha samAdhi samAnasamAdhi samAdhisamAdhi sujAtarate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute  
17. padakamalaM karuNAnilaye varivasyati yo.anudinan sa shive
ayi kamale kamalAnilaye kamalAnilayaH sa kathaM na bhavet 
tava padameva paraMpadamityanushIlayato mama kiM na shive
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
18. kanakalasatkala sindhu jalairanu si~ncinute guNa raN^gabhuvaM
bhajati sa kiM na shacIkuca kuMbha taTI pariraMbha sukhAnubhavam 
tava caraNaM sharaNaM karavANi natAmaravANi nivAsi shivaM
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
19. tava vimalendukulaM vadanendumalaM sakalaM nanu kUlayate
kimu puruhUta purIndumukhI sumukhIbhirasau vimukhIkriyate 
mama tu mataM shivanAmadhane bhavatI k.rpayA kimuta kriyate
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute  
20. ayi mayi dInadayAlutayA k.rpayaiva tvayA bhavitavyamume
ayi jagato jananI k.rpayAsi yathAsi tathA.anumitAsirate 
yaducitamatra bhavatyurari kurutAdurutApamapAkurute
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute 
|| iti shrImahiShAsuramardinistotraM saMpUrNam 

--- by Ādi Śaṅkarācārya 
1. O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight the earth, who make the whole universe enjoy, who are praised by Nandikesvara, who dwell on the summit of the king of mountains, the Vindhyas, who took the form of the consort of Vishnu (as Lakshmi), who are praised by Indra, O consort of Shiva (the blue-necked), who have innumerable families, who are the Creatrix of the whole universe, who slew the demon Mahisha, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
2. O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight Indra, who crushed the demon Durdhara, who subdued Durmukha, who are immersed in bliss, who nourish all the three worlds, who make Sankara happy, who remove all sins, who delight in celebration, who are angry with Asuras, who destroy evil pride, who destroyed the demon Durdama, who was born as the daughter of the ocean (as Lakshmi), who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
3. O Mother of the universe, who enjoy dwelling in Kadambavana, who is anointed with perfume, who sport a gentle smile, who dwell in Your abode on the peak of the lofty Himalaya mountain, the crest-jewel among mountains, who enjoy the sweetness of honey, who slew Madhu and Kaitabha, who destroy all sins, who delight in the Raasa dance, who crushed Mahishasura, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
4. You who eliminated Dhoomralochana and hundreds pf Dhoomras by a mere ‘humkaara’, who slew in battle numerous Raktabijas who rose up from the blood of Raktabija who was weakened in the fight, and, wonder of wonders, who slew in a mighty battle Sumbha, Nisumbha, and the arrogant leaders of the ghosts, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
5. You who cut down with the weapon known as ‘Satakhanda’ the heads and trunks of mighty elephants, whose mount is the powerful lion which killed the elephants of the enemy with severe blows on their necks, who killed the ferocious generals of the army of Bhandasura with blows by your hand, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
6. You whose clinking bangles shine by contact with your body in the festival of the battle with bows, whose enemies are killed by blows on the back of their necks with the weapon known as ‘Sringa’ which is resplendent like gold and yellow in colour, and adorns your hip, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
7. O You whose might remains unbearable even after the burden has been removed by the slaying of arrogant enemies in battle, who made Siva Your messenger – Siva who is foremost in the art of discriminating between right and wrong, who slew the demon messenger who was sinful, cruel, and evil-minded, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
8. You whose hands gave protection and boons to the brave husbands of the women in the enemy’s camp who surrendered themselves to You, who wield in Your hand for the slaying of enemies the sanctified trident which removes the sorrows of all the three worlds, who make the quarters resound with the divine musical instrument known as "Dundubhi", You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
9. You whose praises are sung by people ever eager to praise You with charming words like "victory to You", who captivate even Shiva, the Lord of all beings with the clinging sound of Your anklets, who are fond of dancing with Siva in the sport in which He dances as Ardhanareeswara, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
10. You who are supremely lustrous and decorated by the flowers in the form of the charming minds of the good, who shine like the moon for the lotuses in a lotus-pond, the movement of whose charming eyes gives the impression of hovering bees, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
11. You who are fond of the sport in the form of a mighty battle against groups of mighty warriors, who are surrounded by hunters who build their huts with creepers and forest tribes known as Mallikas, Jhillikas and Bhillikas, whose body is soft like the beautiful tender red leaf, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
12. You whose gait is like that of a well-nourished lordly elephant in rut along whose cheeks there is an abundant flow of ichor, You who took the form of Goddess Lakshmi, the daughter of the ocean of milk which is the place of origin of the moon which is the eternal ornament of the three worlds, who captivate even Manmatha who captivates the minds of beautiful women full of desire, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
13. O You whose forehead is incomparable and is lustrous like a tender beautiful lotus petal, who are the repository of all kinds of dances and are like the gently cooing swan, in whose hair there is an array of bees, whose hair is adorned with a garland of beautiful flowers, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
14. You who put to shame even the koel with the sweet tunes spreading out from Your flute, who move about among the creepers in the Kailasa mountain, who enjoy the dances of Your divine damsels and various other sports, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
15. You set at nought even the splendour of the moon with the charm of your reddish body, black locks of hair and the yellow robe worn around the waist, whose toe-nails shine with the resplendence of the gems in the crowns of the gods and asuras who prostrate before You, whose high breasts quiver as if by the force of the torrents of water flowing down from the summits of the Meru mountain which was conquered by Lord Siva, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
16. You who by Your splendour defeat even the sun with thousands of rays, You who are prostrated to by the sun god with his thousands of rays, You who were praised by the son of Tarakasura after that asura was killed by Your son Lord Subrahmanya in the battle between the gods and Tarakasura when the gods were defeated, You who were pleased with the chanting of mantras by the royal sage Suratha and the Vaisya named Samadhi who was himself like samadhi and who prayed for nirvikalpa samadhi, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
17. Whoever constantly worships Your lotus feet, You who are the abode of compassion and who are auspiciousness itself, he will certainly be endowed with all prosperity. O Goddess Parvati, I who always meditate on Your lotus feet looking upon them as my ultimate refuge will certainly get it. O Goddess Lakshmi, who bestow everything on devotees, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
18. Whoever sprinkles the sacred precincts of Your abode with water from a golden pot will attain the position of Indra by Your grace. O consort of Lord Siva, I take refuge at Your holy feet. Deign to bless me with all prosperity, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
19. Whoever repeatedly meditates on Your divine face adorned by the crescent moon, will he ever be rejected by beautiful women like those in Indra’s abode? O most valued treasure of Siva, why do You not fulfill my wishes, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
20. O Goddess Uma, deign to bestow on me also Your compassion, You who are always inclined to shower compassion on the weak, O Goddess Rama, may You be hailed as the Mother of the universe. You are my mother also. I too am Your son. You may reject my prayer if it is not proper. Deign to remove my sorrow.

 Om Dum Durgayai Namaha

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