Saturday, July 12, 2014

Three Properties of Lovers

By Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), a Christian saint and great medieval female mystic.
From the ancient book "Of divine consolation of the Blessed Angela of Foligno", Chapter XXXIV.

THERE are three properties peculiar unto lovers of which;it is needful to know. Likewise certain signs of love, whereby each may know whether he be a true lover or not.

The first property is to be truly transformed in the will of the Beloved. To me it seemeth that His will is His life, which He showeth forth in His own self ; herein doth He show us poverty, suffering, and contempt, which we must all experience indeed, and when the soul is strengthened and practiced in these things neither vice nor temptation can enter into it.

The second property is to be transformed in the properties of the Beloved, of which I will at present mention three only. The first is love ; that is, to love all creatures according as is seemly. The second is to be humble and gentle. The third (which is given by God unto His lawful children) is steadfastness ; for the nearer the soul is unto God, the less doth it change in its own self. We are ashamed when we are moved by anything vile, and herein know we our great wretchedness.

The third property is to be wholly transformed in God, and then we are beyond all temptation. Then do we no longer live in ourselves, but in Him ; but when we fall back again into our misery we do beware of all creatures and of our own selves.

I pray you, keep control over yourselves and give not yourselves unto any creature, neither lend yourselves unto aught whatsoever; but give yourselves wholly unto Him who saith, " Thou shalt love the Lord with all thine heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all the strength that thou hast."

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