Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bani Adam

"Bani Adam" (The Children of Adam) is the famous Persian poem by Saadi Shirazi. Although it was written 8 centuries ago, its essence speaks more importantly than ever. The lines of this poem adorn the entrance to the Hall of Nations at the United Nations building in New York.

"Bani Aadam `aazaye yek pigarand
Keh dar aafarinesh ze yek guharand
Cho `ozvi be dard aavarad rozigaar
Degar ozvahaa raa namaanad qaraar
To kaz mehnate digaraan bi ghami
Nashaayad ke naamat nahand Aadami"

The children of Adam are limbs to each other,
having been created of one essence and soul,
If one member is afflicted with pain,
The other members uneasy remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The title ‘human’ you cannot claim.


Evan said...

I don't think this appears at the UN. I have seen no picture of this quote at the UN. And I live near the UN and have visited it often and have never seen this quote.

Lalana said...